Revolutionary Era

  • Navagation Acts

    The Navagation Acts were laws created by the English parliment to control trade. They made it so that some products from te colonies would only go to england. Some colonists like this because they never had to worry about who they were going to tarde with, But some colonist didnt like it because what if a different country would pay them more for a certain material.
  • The French and Indian war

    The French and Indian war was a war that was fought by The French, native Americans and British. Some Native American tribes sided with the British and some sided with France. The war ended in 1763 when moncalms troops defeated qubec.
  • Qubec Surrendered to the British

    Moltcalm and his troops attacked qubec and won the battle. They took over qubec (although Moltcalm was dead), adn then the British were in complete control of New France.
  • Pontiacs War

    Pontiacs war was the result of the British setteling into the Ohio River Valley. The war ended when the French signed the proclimation of 1763
  • Sugar Act

    the sugar Act required colonists to pay tax on sugar, and molasses.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was a law passed by the parliament putting taxes on things like legal documents, licenses, newspapers even playing cards and dice.
  • The Stamp Act Gets Repealed

    The Colonists finally got the Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act
  • The Sugar Act was repealed

    The Sugar act was repealed
  • The Townshend Acts

    These acts put taxes on stuff that got imported to the colonies like paint, glass, paper, tea and led
  • British troops in Boston

    The British sent soldiers into the colonies, which made the colonists angry. They did not want babysitters from Britain watching aover them.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre happened when an angry mob of colonists started a riot infront of the customs house the soldiers were staying in. The soldiers panicked and shot and killed two people. The colonists called this the Boston Massacre
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea act was a law made by Britain that allowed tea vendors to sell strait to the colonists, instead of selling to the merchants who would thn sell to the colonists. the colonists didn't like this beacasue they either thought the British were trying to take advantage of them, of bring them into a trap.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was when sa bunch of men colonists dressed up as Native Americans and got onto the tea cargo ships and threw 342 chests of tea into the boston Harbor.