• Massachusetts Bay

    Pilgrims vs. Protestants - wanted religious freedom and social unity.
  • City Upon A Hill

    City On A HillStill on the voyage to America, John Winthrop gave this legendary speech.
  • Roger Williams

    says that people should be free to pracie whatever religion they please - gets kicked out and starts a new, successful colony in Rhode Island.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    She as well wanted more religious freedoms than just everyone being Puritan, she wanted church membership to be based on inner grace, not just attendance - she and her family were banished and then killed by Indians.
  • Thomas Jefferson and Charles Thompson

    They redefine what it means to be faithful - creating a new bible but mostly how it SHOULD BE interpreted.
  • Office Jobs and Religion

    Roy Torcaso wanted an office job, but when he was required to swear under the power of God, he refused because he was an atheist. Big Supreme Court debate, only seven states remain who require to swear under God - Arkansas, Missisippi, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Tenessee, Texas, Maryland.
  • European Flesh and the American Prude

    Rick Steves explains and gives a fresh take on the differeces between America's prude culture and the oh-so-free European one. Aside from numerous examples, he states that Americans need to be less sensitive bout everything while Europe needs t fnd a limit to respectfulness especially concerning children.
  • EEOC vs. Aeropostale

    Religion vs Style - cannot work in the store based on a hijab, supreme court, 20,000 dollars awarded.