Ready Player One

By Carlqu
  • James Halliday dies, owner of OASIS

    James Halliday dies, and the quest for the Easter egg hidden in the OASIS begins.
  • The First Clue

    Parzival (Wade Watts) discovers the first hint to find the copper key and he finds out that someone also uncovered the first hint. He meets a girl name Art3mis who is a strong gunter. Wade has had a crush on her for years. Wade wins a Joust game to uncover the copper key which is the first key.
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) obtanis the Copper Key

    Parzival finds the tomb and the lich. The lich says "greetings Parzival what do you seek?" and Wade says "I seek the Copper Key". Then the lich challenges him to a joust. Best 2 out of 3. The lich wins the first round. Parzival asks " Would you mind if we switched sides? I'm use to playing on the left". Next round he feels better about playing and wins the round. The last round, Parzival charged towards the lich, the lich goes to low and dies. Lastly, the lich gave Parzival the copper key.
  • Nolan Sorrento blows up Wades trailer with his aunt Alice, her boyfriend Rick and Mrs. Gilmore

    Sorrento offers Wade a job to help find the egg and they were gonna give him two million dollars a year, one million signing bonus. If he helps find the egg he will get twenty-five million dollars bonus. But he doesn't take the offer. So then Sorrento blow up Wades home and kills his friends and family.
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) obtains the Jade Key (The second key out of three)

    Parzival continued to follow Zork notes in his grail diary, which reminded him exactly how to make his way through the games labyrinth of rooms, passage ways, and puzzles.
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) got the highest Pac-Man score and got a uniqe quarter

    Parzival did it. He had the new score 3,333,360 points a perfect game. His gaze shot to the quarter sitting on the edge, was once unmovable and now it tumbled forward and fell into his hand. It couldn't be removed from his inventory and maybe save him later on his hunt for the egg
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) obtains the Crystal Key

    Parzival returned to the temple and placed the guitar on the altar. As he did, the towering computers around him began to emit a cacophony of sounds, like a grand orchestra tuning up. The noise built to a deafening crescendo before ceasing abruptly. Then there was a light on the alter, and the guitar transformed into a Crystal Key.
  • IOI takes Wade for a twenty thousand dollar dept

    I'm her because you have failed to make the last three payments on your IOI Visa card, which has and outstanding twenty thousand dollar dept." They put him into a van and took him to IOI headquarters to pay off his dept.
  • All the gunters fight Sorrento and the Sixers.

    A brilliant flash of light accompanied the detonation, momentarily blinding Parzival. When it receded, his eyes focused back on the castle. The shield was down. Now, nothing separated the mighty Sixer and gunter armies but open ground and empty space
  • Parzival ( Wade Watts) got an extra life

    As the three of us stepped in, preparing to enter the gate, I heard an earsplitting boom. It sounded like the entire universe was cracking in half. And then we all died. But the quarter he got gave him a extra life.
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) obtains the Egg

    But unlike the original Atari game, this Secret Room didn't contain name of Warren Robinett. Instead, at the very center of the screen, there was a large white oval and pixelated edges. An egg. The egg.
  • Parzival (Wade Watts) has full control of the OASIS

    My avatars level and hit-point counter both infinity symbols in front of them. And my credits readout now displayed a number twelve digits long. I was a multi-billionaire. "I'm entrusting the care of the OASIS to you now, Parzival," Halliday said. " Your avatar is immortal and all-powerful. Whatever you want, all you have to do is wish for it. Petty sweet, eh?" " Do me a favor and use your powers only for good. OK?" "OK," I said. " This is your castle now. I've made it so you can only enter it"