Reading log 2013

  • finished artemis fowl and the last guardian book ( 399

    it was alright it was about power crazed pixie trying to destroy mankind.
  • artemis fowl num 1 ( 305)

    artemis fowl found this under ground word with dangerous and highly teched fairies.
  • lily alone ( 435

    its about a girl whos mum left home with her 2 younger sisters and her 1 brother while her mum went to italy or something with her new boyfreind richard.
  • johny whistler and the whizz bang tandem race

    it was dumb becaause they came last in the bike race
  • the boy and his horse narnia ( 239 )

    it was alright but it was sad when they had the war
  • the voyage ofthe dawn treader

    a kingand some unexpected people go on a voyage that will take thembeyond the they sail farther and farther awayfrom charted waters they discover that their guest is more then they imagined.
  • master crooks ( 305)

    its alright but its pretty disguisting because there was these people and they go around in a cart and they ask people if they want to go toilet in the dirt toilet and these poor people had warts and they were like a stick and aloso was green like a zombie.
  • the magicians nephew ( 230)

    the magicians nephew went on a guest to save a life and two freinds are in narnia. there is a evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. b
  • tree by leaf 243 pages

    its about a girl whos dad came back from war but now her dad has to sell her to let her live and so he could live to.
  • johny bone and the red knight.407 pages

    its about this team of kids who are all ways in trouble but when they get caught in this huge mess the red knight comes and rescuse them so the kids got suspicious of the red knight.
  • sapphire battersea 400 pages

    its about a girl who is in a orphanage but a cleaning orphanage she lost her mum and now is working with an old lady. sapphire battersea liveswith aold man who writes storys.
  • private peaceful

    thomas peacful looks back over his childhood from battles of world war 1. but time is ticking and every moment tommo spends time thinking of his child hood it means it will change his life forever
  • lemony snickets a series of unfortunate events

    its about orphans that have moved away and when they always move away there uncle tries to kill them but they always survive. now they have live with their aunt whos afraid of everything and her husband had died because of the hungry leeches.
  • the siver chair

    its about a witch who has imprisioned a prince in thinking that he is a killer but hes not because he was brought up like that. the king which was the prince's dad was looking for him.
  • the vile village lemony snickets

    This book is considered to be the "plot twist" of the series, because the Baudelaires can no longer call on Mr. Poe for assistance after the events of this book, and they themselves are deemed "criminals". Also, after this point the Baudelaires are not assigned any legal guardians.
  • the carnivorous carnival

    The story begins where the Baudelaires are listening to Count Olaf and his troupe. They talk about a woman named Madame Lulu. Madame Lulu has told Count Olaf where the Baudelaires are hidden each time they move. Count Olaf and his troupe depart the car and the Baudelaires then escape out of the trunk of Count Olaf's car through some clever lockpicking on the part of Violet Baudelaire. The orphans decide that they must be disguised, so they listen in on Madame Lulu's caravan in Caligari Carnival