Reactions to 9/11 By Ben Martinek

  • Introduction

    9/11 was a cultural reset for America, and the whole world. The events on this day changed the lives of millions of people, and the reactions by people show a lot about how they were feeling at the time. The occurrence of every emotion imaginable in these people show a side of humanity that everyone has: fear. Nobody really knew why these attacks happened or what they would do next. This was a time of uncertainty in the country and its highest level.
    I created this timeline, "Reactions to 9/11"
  • Introduction 2

    I wanted to show the world, how different types of people/ historical figures reacted to this tragedy. I was very interested in this topic because it happened right before I was born, but it impacted my life in many ways. The immediate reactions to 9/11 intrigued me because nothing had ever happened like this before, but the events that unfolded changed the world forever. The artifacts I have chosen all show some of they key groups of people that reacted to this event.
  • Introduction 3

    The president of the country, the government, and a newspaper article of the city that this event unfolded in. I chose this because I wanted to cover all facets of American society, although I wasn’t able to get the lower class very well. The newspaper article was designed to show how these people reacted, because it interviewed many of the working class people who experienced this firsthand. It was these peoples livelihoods at stake here, so their reactions were as pure as they come.
  • Introduction 4

    I felt very impacted when reading the article and I thought it could be the forefront of my exhibit. My other artifacts were very important to my exhibit as well, with Bush’s response being particularly important. In the midst of crisis like the Gulf War and other struggles in the late 90s, this attack brought upon thousands of other problems for the nation.
  • Introduction 5

    Nobody really knew how important these attacks would be culturally right after it occurred, but it changed the landscape in many ways in our country. Bush’s remarks were in many ways significant to look back at because of impacts his response had to the rest of the world. All of these objects came together in this museum in an attempt to show various reactions to 9/11 in America.
  • Introduction 6

    . I wanted to show how significant this event was in context of American history, and now knowing how important it was in shaping our future as a nation.
  • FAA Closure of Airspace 2

    In context of the this event relating to 9/11 and American history, this event was significant in showing a rare success in America’s eventual retaliation to the attacks. Many people in this country clashed in their ideas on how to react, but this was an undoubted success and saved many Americans.
  • Statement by President in his Address to the Nation 2

    Bush was largely remembered due to his response to these attacks, good or bad, but this address to the public was impactful in his support across the nation. He said nothing bad in this address, and when the country needed him to make a statement the most, he delivered.
  • FAA Closure of Airspaces

    FAA Closure of Airspaces
    September 11: FAA Closure of US Airspace The closing of the airspace across America was a swift, but needed reaction after the 9/11 attacks. This shows how significant the attacks were to the American government, and the closing of the airspace could have possibly saved even more lives. (3) The airspaces were all closed not even an hour after the attacks.
  • Statement by President in his Address to the Nation

    Statement by President in his Address to the Nation
    Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation President George W Bush had an extremely tough job to do after the 9/11 attacks, not only tactically making a response, but also having to calm down the American people in this time of crisis. This address to the nation was significant because it shows how the person with the highest power in this country reacted to the attacks. (2)

    All of the people interviewed in this newspaper article had their own lives, families and jobs. They were all completely different people, but these tragic attacks brought them together in the worst way. They all had to endure this at the ground level. Most people watched from the TV, but the interviewees were there to see it in person.

    U.S. ATTACKED; HIJACKED JETS DESTROY TWIN TOWERS AND HIT PENTAGON IN DAY OF TERROR This was the New York Times frontpage article the day after 9/11, and it is significant because it shows how the heart of NYC reacted to these attacks. (1) An event like this had never happened before, so these real reactions were very valuable in looking back on how these people felt.
  • Notes

    1. N. R Klenfield, "US ATTACKED"
    2. "Statement by President"
    3. National Air and Space Museum, "FAA Closure"
  • Bibliography 2

    National Air and Space Museum. "September 11: FAA Closure of US Airspace." Smithsonian Institute. Last updated 11 September 2009.
  • Bibliography

    Klenfield, N.R. U.S. ATTACKED; HIJACKED JETS DESTROY TWIN TOWERS AND HIT PENTAGON IN DAY OF TERROR. New York Times. 12 September 2001. "Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation." The Avalon Project. Last updated 2008. National Air and Space Museum. "September 11: FAA Closure of US Airspace." Smithsonia