Psychology Time line-Davis

By BAD015
  • First Standard test

    First Standard test
    Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations
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    Biological /neuroscience

    The branch of psychology that studies the biological foundations of behavior, emotions, and mental processes
  • Charles Darwin Book Species

    Charles Darwin Book Species
    scientirfic literature considerd evolutionary biology natural selection or presavation of favored races in struggle for life
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    ) explains psychological traits—such as memory, perception, or language
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    Structualism focuses on breaking down mental process into basic compnets
  • First Psychology lab Wilhelm Wundt

    First Psychology lab Wilhelm Wundt
    A german doctor and psychologist was responsible fr creating the first lab.
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    Functionalism formed as a reaction to the structuralism and was heavily influenced by the work of William James and evoluntionary theory of Charles Darwin.
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    is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics.
  • Pavlov Dog classical condition

    Pavlov Dog classical condition
    studying the digestive system proccess in dogs when he discoverd that dogs salivate before they recieve food.
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    Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic

    Founded by Sigmund freud he believe people can be cured by making concious their unconcious thoughts
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    The study of behavoir on different experiments that differenht people studied and performed.
  • cat box operant b.f skinner

    cat box operant b.f skinner
    operant behavior operates on the enviorment and is maintained by its consequence
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    focused on each individual's potential and stressed the importance of growth and self-actualization
  • Skinner Box

    Skinner Box
    B.F Skinner studied operant conditioning experiments using animals which he placed in a skinner box roughly changing of behavior by use of reinforcements which is given after the desired.
  • Bobo experiment doll -albert

    Bobo experiment doll -albert
    studying childrens behavior different varations of the experiment after adults being rewarded punished no consequence for beating the bobo doll social learning theory.
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    The socio-cultural approach is based on the idea that society and culture shape cognition. Social customs, beliefs, values
  • Genie

    Genie case social isolation a oppurtunity to study acquistion of language skills and linguistic development.
  • Freud dream analysis

    Freud dream analysis
    Freud derived dream symbols from the resistance of dream interpretation. He noticed that resistance regularly occurred with certain elements of dreams even in dreams of mentally healthy people.
  • Koko the gorilla

    Koko the gorilla
    understood language and development anhd could communicate with humans