
  • Structuralism

    Wundt developed a method of self-obervations called introspection. It controlled situations, trained participants reported their thoughts, and Wundt tried to map oy the basic structure of thought processes. A structuralist studies the basic elements that make up sonscious mental experiences.
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    Galton studied how heredity, or biological traits passed from parent to children influenced abilities,character, and behavior. After a long study, Galton found that genius was passed down from generation to generations. This created his theory: heredity, along with enviroment, influence intelligence.
  • Functionalism

    Functionalism is the study of people and animal adaptations to their enviroment. William James focused on the functions or actions of the conscious mind and the goals or purposes of behaviors.
  • Gestalt

    Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka disagreed with the principles of stucturalism and behaviorlism. They argured that percception is more than the sum of its parts-it involves a "whole pattern" or, in German a Gestalt.
  • Psychoalalysis

    Sigmund Frued used a new method for indirectly studying unconscious processes. in this technique, known as free association, a patient said everything that comes to mind-no matter how absurd or irrelevant it seemed- without attempting to produce logical or meaningful statements. The person was instructed not to edit or censor his or her thoughts.
    This studied how unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior, feelings, and thoughts.
  • Behaviorism

    Ivan Pavlov rang a tuning fork every time he was going to feed a dog. After a few times the dog began to salivate every time it rang even with no food.
    Behavioism is analysis of how organisms learn or modify their behavior based on the response to events in the enviroment.
  • Cognitive

    The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
  • Humanic Psychology

    Humanic Psychology
    A humanist is a psychologist who believes that each person has freedon in directing his or her future and achieving personal growth.
  • Psychobiology

    The application of the principles of biology to the study of physiological, genetic, and developmental mechanisms of behavior in humans and other animals.
  • Sociocultural

    Combining social and cultural factors.