
By bronze4
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    Conflict between french and britian was going on for years over american and when the conlfict finally happened the colonies joined the british in fighting the french but the british taxed the colonist like crazy because britian put itself in a huge amount of debt.
  • End of French and Indian war

  • Boston Tea Party

    Mad colonists dressed up as indiands mad at the heavy taxes on tea dumped 342 crates of british tea overboard into the ocean into the Boston harbor
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Every paper or anything published or written on something had to have a stamp on it if not the person holding the paper could be fined or etc, and the colonist responeded to this act by force.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Five colonist were shot and killed by British troops the british said the colonist had rocks and small weapons and were throwing them at the british.
  • Driving

    The rebel colonist drove the Loyalists from Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina.
  • Capture

    The british hold zeize of Fort Miffin, Pensylavnia
  • U.S. and France

    U.S. and France
    The U.S and France make a alliance with each other.
  • Defeated

    Cornwallis surrounded on land and sea by Americans and French and surrenders at Yorktown, VA
  • Articles of Peace

    At first america didnt want to do but when britian found out that they were making peace with france american changed their mind and was letting them know they were willing to negotiate.
  • Treaty

    The U.S congress ratifies opening peace treaty with Britian
  • Congress ratifies

    Congress ratifies
    Congress of the U.S ratifies the peace treaty with great britian.
  • Consititution signed

    The U.S constitution was signed from 38 to 41 represenatives in philideaphia and nine of the 13 states had to agree with the constition but they did not get 9 signatures then.
  • New Hampshire adopted

    New Hampshire was the ninth state to sign and with that signature the constitution was officaly in effect.