Project 1:Newhart 9th Period

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    During his first voyage in 1492, instead of reaching Asia as he had intended, Columbus landed in the Bahamas. He thought he was a failure due to the fact he did not find a passage to Asia. When he died he felt he was a disgrace not knowing how much his discovery would change mankind.
  • Jan 1, 1511

    Africans arrive in the New World

    Africans arrive in the New World
    In 1511 the first ship from Africa carrying enslaved Africans landed on the New World. Africans will play a huge role in the development of the Americas. This first step will forever change countries. Some will be torn apart and others brought together.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    The Aztecs are conquered

    The Aztecs are conquered
    In 1520 Cortes troops killed many Aztec men and chiefs during a religious festival. They Aztecs rebelled. Despite Cortes and his troops being vastly out numbered, they conquered the Aztecs in 1521. The main reasons that the Spanish were victorious, because they had guns while the Aztecs used simple metal weapons. The Spanish brought diseases that would kill the natives faster than anything else. And the Spanish had Malinche who helped translate so they could gain the help of other native rivals.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    The Incan Empire is conquered

    The Incan Empire is conquered
    In 1532 the Spanish kidnapped the Incan ruler Atahualpa and held him for ransom. The ruler told the Spanish he could promise them 1 room full of gold and 2 full of silver. After the Spanish received the ransom payment they killed Atahualpa by means of strangulation.
  • Jamestown is found

    Jamestown is found
    In 1606 London investors received a charter from King James stating that they were able to establish a colony in North America. A group of 100 settlers traveled for 4 months to reach they coast of Virginia. They established Jamestown in 1607.
  • The Pilgrims arrive.

    The Pilgrims arrive.
    The Pilgrims came to Massachusetts to find religious freedom. Due to their strong religious beliefs they were persecuted in England. We get our American Holiday Thanksgiving from the Pilgrims. Thanksgiving was the colonist way of giving thanks for a safe voyage and a good harvest.
  • French vs. Indians

    French vs. Indians
    This war became known as the 7 year war. The English saw the French success and they were jealous. They started to move west which conflicted with the French. The war was started of a dispute for land in the Ohio Valley. The French and English fought along with Native American allies and European allies. The English defeated the French in 1763 and took control of the eastern parts of North America.