
progression os US Involvment in WWII Time line

  • Presidential Election

    Presidential Election
    Roosevelt runs for a third term. He began a two-term presidency. He was supported by Wendell Willkie.
  • Building U.S Defenses

    Building U.S Defenses
    Congress pass first peacetime military draft- the Selective Training and Service Act.
  • Congress pass the Lend-Lease Act

    Congress pass the Lend-Lease Act
    Britian had more money to spend. Roosevelt tried to help with a new plan. Under his plan the the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to anthor country.
  • Hitler breaks his agreement

    Hitler breaks his agreement
    He made an agreement with Stalin that he wouldntgo to war and invade the Soviet Union. He gave them supplies for lend lease, and he attacked U boats.
  • House of Representatives

    House of Representatives
    Roosevelt proposed to extend the term of draftees passed in the House of Representativesby one vote.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    Attach on U.S residence. Because stop trade of oil and EAstern dominance
  • Peace talk between countries

    Peace talk between countries
    Roosevelt recieved a decoded message that instructed Japans peace envoy to reject all American peaced proposal.