
Programming History Timeline

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    Programming History

    Timeline of all the significant events in programming history.
  • Automated Loom

    No exact date is given on the release of the automated loom; however, it was first seen in 1801 and formally introduced in 1804 as the Jacquard Loom. The loom used punch cards to store the designs for textiles, soon these punch cards would be used for other means of storage and memory.
  • Analytical Engine

    www.computerhope.com/history/1800.htmNo exact date is given, but it is known that Charles Babbage worked on the analytical engine from 1837 until his death in 1871. The analytical engine was the first computer to utilize punch cards to store memory and program computers.
  • DeMorgan Transformations

    Little is documented about the date of the event, but the first formalized set of logical operations was created in 1854. These operations were created by Augustus DeMorgan and George Boole. These operations are called the DeMorgan Transformation and would soon be used in computers.
  • System and Method of Eletrical Signaling

    Nikola Tesla patents his system and method of electrical signaling. He was the first to develop a small electrical circuit, his "logic gate," displaying the passing and controlling of electrical signals. This is used in all modern day computers.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Between 1939 and 1942 John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry invent the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) which was recognized to be the first electronic digital computer.
  • Creation of the Transistor

    Transistors regulate the current or voltage flow and acts as a switch/gate for electrical signals. The creation of the transistor replaced the use of vacuum tubes and is now the basic building block of integrated circuits.
  • Data Exchange

    The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is used to exchange and standardize data from computer to computer.
  • Computer Packet Switching

    In October of 1965, Lawrence G. Robert worked with MIT to do the first network experiment. He can be accredited with the first use of packet switching to communicate between two different computers across the U.S.
  • The Internet

    In 1965, UCLA introduced the Internet to the public for the very first time.
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen create Microsoft, which would later become a major corporation for computers, programs, and other electronics.
  • Apple

    In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak create the first Apple computer, which leads to the development of even more computers and competition between Microsoft and Apple.
  • Commodore PC

    Commodore introduces their Commodore 128 PC with state of the art processors, RAM and ROM ports.
  • Java

    Sun Microsystems releases Java and JavaScript to the public. This programming language is seen everywhere today and is needed for most websites.
  • WiFi and Ethernet

    In June of 1997, the company IEEE creates WiFi and ethernet connections. They continue to create and refine the standards of WiFi and ethernet.
  • Computers Flourish

    Computers continue to work and grow, and the NASDAQ hits a record setting point which is the turning point for the .com boom.