Presidential Timeline Project

By tib5
  • Election of George Washington

    In 1788 George Washington was elected to president. After being elected he served two 4 year terms. This was the first presidential election in the United States Of America. John Adams was George Washington's vice president and the first one at that.
  • Bill of Rightd added to Constitution

    The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments. They guarantee a number of personal freedoms. Also they limited the power of the government by letting people by list peoples rights. The amendments were introduced by James Madison.
  • Beginning of Democratic-Republican Party

    The change of the democratic party was during 1831. When Jackson people called themselves Democrats. So today’s democrats go back to Jackson's time. They include frontier farmers, as well as workers in eastern city's.
  • Beginning of Federalist Party

    814When the Federalist were part of they strong Federal government until the war of 1812.l The Federal government was disconnected. But when they won they had a party for the Federalist. Also to have them back together.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    In 1791, there was a tax imposed on whiskey. This “excise tax” was proposed by Alexander Hamilton to help prevent the national debt from growing. This took place throughout the western frontiers, and all states apposed it. Taxes were a central issue during this time period. People started rebelling and destroyed the house of the tax inspector, but Hamilton believed they needed to know through with it to show everyone that they were in control.
  • Election of Jhon Adams

    .In 1796 when Washington gave his fair well address, his vice president John Adams decided to run for president. Adams wanted to run. He was elected in 1796. He served 8 years. He was Actually was going up against James Madison.
  • XYZ affair

    The XYZ affair happened in 1798. The XYZ affair lead to a undeclared navel war. This also lead to the Alien and Sedition acts. The president at the time didn’t not want to give away the names of the people who wanted the US to pay them so he called them X,Y,and Z.
  • Alien act

    The Alien act of 1798 was signed by President John Adams. This was just 4 laws passed but they called the Alien act. This act allowed the president to deport aliens out of the country. Many of Americans questioned this law.
  • Sedition act

    The Sedition Act was passed by the Congress in 1918 which made it a law not criticize people by speech or writing. Because people were criticizing the U.S.A and the President. So congress made it a law because they wanted to protect the federal government. At that time 1500 people were arrested for their dishonesty. Most of them were released, but some of the were not.
  • Election of Themas Jefferson

    In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran against Aaron Burr. There was a electoral vote with 73. Jefferson won this election after 35 ballots. All because of Alexander Hamilton
  • John Marshall appointed

    John Marshall was the chief justice in 1801-1835. He helped in a lot of court decisions which shaped the United States still today. John Marshall also was the leader of the federalist party from 1799 to 1800. He was Secretary of State under President John Adams from 1800 to 1801.
  • Msrbury v. Madison

    This is a court case between Marbury V.S. Madison in the supreme court. This helped form the Judaical review for the United States. This is also the first time in western history they declared a law unconstitutional. This helped define the Judaical branch. Marbury was a hero for doing this and he became the Justice of peace.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase is When the United States bought Louisiana in 1803. The U.S. bought Louisiana for 15million dollars. The French didn't want to sell it at first but then they needed the money. The size of the land they purchased was 828,000 square miles. This also contained all or part of 15 current states.
  • Lewis and Clark

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition is also know as the Corps of Discovery Expedition. This was the first expedition to the Pacific coast. This was commissioned by Thomas Jefferson. They wanted to see what the area look like to the west.
  • Embargo act

    The Embargo act was passed in December of 1807. It forbade all international trade to and from America. Jefferson hoped that Britain and France would be persuaded for the value and right of the neutral commerce. Trying to show the importance of trade.
  • election of James Madison

    When President James Monroe announced his decision to continue the custom o serving two terms as President. James Monroe stood commanding position for the Democratic-Republican nomination as Madison’s apparent.
  • Non-intercourse act

    The non-intercourse Act replaced the Embargo act of 1807. This act lifted all embargo's on American shipping except for those bound for British and France port. This seriously damaged the economy of the United States.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Battle of New Orleans

    In 1815 The British wanted to seize the New Orleans. It last for 2 hours. The commander of the USA army commanded to attack Untied State won
  • Election of James Madison

    In 1815 The British wanted to seize the New Orleans. It last for 2 hours. The commander of the USA army commanded to attack Untied State won
  • Expanded suffrage

    The Expanded suffrage to all white males is giving males the right to vote. The french used this in 1792 for all males. Do to all the turmoil this was very unaffected. Now everyone has the right to vote but back then it was only males that where white.
  • Missouri Compromise

    When the US made a comprise about slavery. US wanted to stop slavery so thats what they did. All though they African Americans still did not have as much freedom has whites did.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United states introduced on December 2, 1823. This made it that the European country's could not inter fear with the US. This placed like an invisible boundary. This is still in affect today.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Thomas Gibson vs. Aaron Ogden otherwise known as the Gibson vs. Ogden. Was a supreme court case over a steamboat issue over a trade. Gibson who was the inventor was the one that cancelled the steamboat trade from New Jersey to New York. So the regular court could not take it up. (Because Ogden wanted to sue Gibson for what he was doing.) So they were sent to the Supreme Court which was one of the first cases that we know of.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch vs Maryland was decided in 1819 by the US supreme court. They were dealing with the power the state and federal governments. The war of 1812 cause a new national bank. Many people still opposed the bank rules, so Maryland set an example by imposing a tax on all banks. The power was over the federal in the end constitutionally
  • Election of 1824

    The Election of 1824 truly showed the “Era of Good feelings” had come to an end. All candidates were democratic-Republicans. They were John Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and John C. Calhoun. Personal interests outweighed the political views.
  • Election of andrew jackson

    Andrew Jackson’s inauguration in 1829 reflected on the growing spirit of democracy. The spread of the political power to more people was part of what became known as Jacksonian democracy. Jackson was also the first westerner to occupy the White House. His election represented the beginning of a shift of political power to the West.
  • Beginning of Democratic Party

    Andrew Jackson election was in 1826. They had a big party but people did not him to be elected. Like John Adams they fought about it the whole time, but Andrew Jackson won.
  • Indian Removal act

    In the 19th century the United states faced an obstacle when they expanded into the lower south. The lower south was considered Cherokee land, they thought Americans were standing in the way of there progress.America pressed the federal government to acquire the Indian Territory. This war between the land went on from 1814-1858.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    In 1832 the Worcester v. Georgia was that the sate of Georgia had no legal rights to pass laws against about boundaries between the Cherokee. The ruling was the third key decision by John Marshall. Ruled in favor, of Worcester overturning his lower court system for living on Cherokee lands. You can’t without a state of Georgia permit.
  • Closing of the U.S. Bank

    In February 1791, the First Bank of the United States (1791-1811) received a unique national charter for twenty years. By the time of the renewal debate in Congress, the Federalists were no longer in control. The Democrats now held the majority and were ready to act against the Federalist conceived institution. The opponents of the Bank included Henry Clay, William Branch Giles and Vice-President George Clinton.