Presidential Timeline Period 4 Group 3

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Alexander Hamilton puts a pretty high tax on whiskey because he viewed it as a luxury. The citizens rebelled and refused to pay the tax.
  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    Washington becamethe first president and for the next eight years set exemples for future presidents. He was the commander in chief of the army as well.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    10 individual rights that the government felt that all citizens should have written out for them.
  • Beginning of Democratic-Republican Party

    Beginning of Democratic-Republican Party
    They didn't last very long until they turned into just the Republicans. Founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
  • Re-Election of George Washington

    Re-Election of George Washington
    Was re-elected the President of the United States of America because nobody ran against him.
  • Beginning of Federlist Party

    Beginning of Federlist Party
    The Federalist's believed that nothing was stronger than a strong, central government. They dissolved a few decades later in 1820.
  • Election of John Adams

    Election of John Adams
    While in office naturalization, alien, and sedition acts passed. Also he was the first president to served only one term. Did well in his presidency. On the lat night, the case of the midnight judges happened. Meaning he had the right to appoint supreme council. So he wrote letters to all the ones that he wanted. So if he didn't get re-elected, Thomas Jefferson wouldn't be able to do anything in his presidency because they would be fighting the entire time.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    3 French spies were sent to the U.S. after the French had been attacking our ships. They knew we were mad so they said are you mad enough to give us a bribe to go away? The Americans said no we would rather go to war. Showed the world that the United States demanded to be treated with respect.
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    Authorized president to deport any aliens that were "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States."
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Took away amendment #1. Which was freedom of speech. If the citizens spoke out against the government, they would be put in jail. The government didn't want any rebellion.
  • John Marshall Appointed

    John Marshall Appointed
    John Adams' Secretary of State, John Marshall, appointed Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Serve until he died in 1835.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    Election of Thomas Jefferson
    1801 Thomas Jefferson was elected third president.
    Also he did other stuff like bought Louisiana purchase expanding the united states by a lot.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Marbury was supposed to get a job in the Supreme Court from Adams. But since the new Secretary of State, Madison, did not deliver the message, he never got his job so Madison was appointed to the job. Thus the Judicial review was brought into play.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson buys the entire Louisiana territory from Great Britain, doubling the size of the United States.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark set out to find the Northwest Passage or a "direct route to Asia. It was a 2 year trip. They came back with a lot of information on the land plus plants and animal species.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Thomas Jefferson aloows trade with all countries except for France and Britain.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    Bill passed that didn't allow the U.S. to trade with any countries, forcing trade to drop to 20 million dollars. Most likely from smuggling
  • Election Of James Madsion

    Election Of James Madsion
    He passed the non-intercourse and embargo acts and was the frouth president.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    The British were making the U.S. trade be ineffective because they could never trade. This lead to war. Many people died but in the end, in New Orleans, we ended up defeating the british.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Final major battle in the War of 1812. Andrew Jackon and the civil army defeated an invading British army.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    Nothing was wrong in his presidency. The war was just over so everybody was happy because Monroe was a people person. Therefore, he thought like the people.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    U.S. allows Missouri to join the Union as a slave state. But to keep it equal, Maine had to join as a free state, and they did.
  • Re-election of James Monroe

    Re-election of James Monroe
    There wasn't anybody that seriously opposed Monroe. He got all the electorl votes. His presidency was known as the "Era of Good Feelings."
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    James Monroe, our 5th president, signs a document saying if Britain tried to colonize Central America, the U.S. would step in.
  • Election of John Quincy Adams

    Election of John Quincy Adams
    Son of the 2nd President, John Adams. Beat out 3 other people to win. Didn't get re-elected in 1829.
  • Election of John Quincy Adams

    Election of John Quincy Adams
    In 1825 John Quincy Adams was elected and he did not do much.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of  Andrew Jackson
    In 1828 Andrew Jackson was elected the seventh president of the us.
    His presidency was know as the era of the common man.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Andrew Jackson signs a bill that forces the Cherokee nation to move west because they weren't technically U.S. citizens. This gave more resources and elbow room to the citizens of the U.S.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    The United States Supreme Court rules in the case of Worcester v. Georgia The Court rules that the Cherokees are separate nation, subject to the authority of the federal government.