presidential timeline, period 3, group E

By frogs
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    congress passed four laws.
    they did this to strengthen central government.
    This was led by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    federalist leaders agreed that John Adams should be vice president.
    Later he became vice presidant.
    This happened in 1791.
  • Bill of Rights added to Constitution

    Bill of Rights added to Constitution
    A proposal by delegate Charles Pinckney
    this was to include rights to the Constitution.
    the Federalists were for the Bill of Rights.
  • beginning of federalist party

    beginning of federalist party
    -this was the first american political party. founded by alexander hamilton, to earn national support for his economic program. This is his creation of a strong national government.
  • Beginning of Democtadic Party

    Beginning of Democtadic Party
    -american political party founded by thomas jefferson and james madison. jefferson, madison, and monroe were the only 3 democratic republican presidents back then. members of the democratic republican party believed a strong federal government would weaken and disrespect the rights of the states and people.
    17.election of john adams
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    In 1794 thousands of farmers in Western Pennsylvania took up arms in opposition of a federal law calling for the imposition of a tax on distilled spirits. Known as the Whiskey Rebellion it is known as the largest organized resistance against federal authority between the American Revolution and the Civil war.
  • Election of John Adams

    Election of John Adams
    after washington retired from presidency and spoke his farewell address, adams finally got elected for being the president after he was already vice president for 8 years already. he went against jefferson also.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    John Adams sent Marshall, and Gerry, to join Pinckney on a mission to gain peace from France. The 3 men who went got the refusal of the French minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. Talleyrand wanted $250,000, and the U.S .was not going to make our country look weak and fall for that so we refused to give the money.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    It was signed into law by president John Adams. It consisted of four laws. These laws increased the residency requirement for American citizenship.
  • Election Of Thomas Jefferson

    Election Of Thomas Jefferson
    The election of 1800 was one of the most controversial in American history, and was marked a tie in the electoral college. This was the first time candidates campaigned. It became a bitter war between them.
  • John Marshall appionted

    John Marshall appionted
    he reinforced the principle that federal courts are obligated to exercise judicial review, by disregarding purported laws if they violate the Constitution. Marshall got the position of the American judiciary as an independent branch of government. The Marshall Court made several important decisions relating to federalism, affecting the balance of power between the federal government and the states.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    It is an important addition to the system of checks and balances. This was created to prevent any branch of the Federal Government from becoming too powerful.
    William Marbury and James Madison were responsible for this.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    the u.s. purchased Louisiana from the French. This was a land deal between the US. and France.The u.s. got 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million dollars.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark expedition
    Thomas Jefferson, William Clark and Meriwether Lewis were involved in the Lewis and Clark expodition.
    President Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase treaty and it was passed. He wanted to go beyond the Great Rocky Mountains so he asked William Clark and Meriwether Lewis to do so.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    On December 21, 1807, President Thomas Jefferson signed the Embargo Act. Prohibiting ships that were destined for foreign ports from leaving the United States. The legislation had been drawn up in an effort to pressure France and Britain from receiving American goods.
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    He was the fourth president. The campaign centered around Madison’s role with the Embargo that had been enacted during Jefferson’s presidency! He ran against Charles Pinckney.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    The Non-Intercourse Act was passed by the U.S Congress is an answer to the British orders in council not allowing neutral shipping. This Act lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports. The mission was to damage the economies of United Kingdom and France.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The famous war of 1812 was fought mostly by the United States and Great Britain. It began when the Americans declared war on Great Britain on June 18th, 1812. The war was officialy over on December 24th, 1814 when the signed the Treaty Of Ghent, and was ratified by the US president on Febuary 17th 1815.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    last battle of the war of 1812. andrew jackson defeated the british army and gained new orleans. Nothing was gained or won.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    -when monroe first became president, that was when the era of good feelings first started. he was elected because he was a fairly good man and all wars had ended and it started and new feeling of happiness, and freshness.
  • Expanded suffrage to all white males

    Expanded suffrage to all white males
    Even while states were moving toward denying free blacks the right to vote, the expanding for white men was going on. All states admitted to the union after 1815 adopted white male suffrage. This was between 1807-1820.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    President James Monroe’s 1823 annual message to Congress. This contained the Monroe Doctrine, which warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. Also known as the U.S.policy.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    -the Gibbons v. Ogden case was a court case about how Ogden got the right to navigate through the waters between new york city and certain ports in New Jersey. He also set a precedent for interstate commerce, and Gibbons didn't have the right to do so. He didn't like that.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    It was decided by the Supreme Court. The state of Maryland tried to impede operation of a branch of the Second Bank of The United Sates by imposing a tax on all banks not chartered in America.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    john adams was elected president, decided by house of representatives. due to 12 amendments. adams vs. andrew jackson. popular vote not won.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    -was a rematch of presidency between jackson and adams. people liked jackson more cause he was more about the people, and adams wasnt. jackson had more to offer to the nation. the first time he tried for president adams and someone else joined together and made deals together, and left jackson out of it and then adams won of course, but in 1828 jckson finally won.
  • Beginning of domocratic party (Jacksonian Democracy)

    Beginning of domocratic party (Jacksonian Democracy)
    • he won cause he represented the common person, as a very persuasive man, and made great political choices. jackson however made a horrible decision to send the native americans away to gain land but many of them died on their way and was very horrible and disastrous to our country.
  • Inidan Removal Act

    Inidan Removal Act
    It was signed into law by Andrew Jackson. Authorizing the president to to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange of Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy.
  • Worcester V. Georgia

    Worcester V. Georgia
    Worcester v. Georgia was a case when the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that wouldn’t let non-Indianes from being on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.
  • closing of U.S. bank

    closing of U.S. bank
    The bank would loan money to people who wanted or needed it.This weakened the system. The bank did not help the economy as planed to.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    agreement passed between slavery or no slavery. This prohibited slavery. louisiana territory, 36 degrees, 30 degrees north. made missouri a non slave state.