
Presidential Timeline (Period 3 Group 7)

  • John Marshall Appointed

    John Marshall Appointed
    As an officer in the Continental Army, he served as a judge advocate in 1777 and 1778.
  • Beginning of Federalist Party

    Beginning of Federalist Party
    Federalism was born in 1787, when Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison wrote 85 essays collectively known as the Federalist papers.
  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    Became the first president of the United States, but he soon realized that the Nation under its Articles of Confederation was not functioning well, so he became a prime mover in the steps leading to the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. When the new Constitution was ratified, the Electoral College unanimously elected Washington President.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Declared that any treasonable activity, including the publication of "any false, scandalous and malicious writing," was a high misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment.
  • Bill of Rights added to the Constitution

    Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
    This bill of rights was to be added to the Constitution to guarantee individual liberties, to make sure that the new government would not treat citizens like the old colonial government of Great Britain did.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Angered by an excise tax imposed on whiskey in 1791 by the federal government, farmers in the western counties of Pennsylvania engaged in a series of attacks on excise agents.
  • Beginnning of Democratic-Republican Party

    Beginnning of Democratic-Republican Party
    Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic-Republican Party. The party believed in farmers, etc. running America and that anybody, not just an educated rich man can run the United States, and participate in politics.
  • Election of John Adams

    Election of John Adams
    John adams was one of the American Founding Fathers, a lawyer, salesman, diplomat, and political theorist. He became the second president of the United States of America after beating Thomas jefferson in a close call; electoral votes being 71 to 68!
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    A diplomatic incident between French and United States diplomats that resulted in a limited, undeclared war known as the Quasi-War.
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    Authorized the president to imprison or deport aliens considered "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States.”
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    Election of Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was election president of the United States in 1800. He beat John Adams with electoral votes being 73 to 65.
    (Since we couldnt find the exact month/date we used March 4 since it was his inauguration in 1800/1801)
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    The case began on March 2, 1801, when an obscure Federalist, William Marbury, was designated as a justice of the peace in the District of Columbia. Marbury and several others were appointed to government posts created by Congress in the last days of John Adams's presidency, but these last-minute appointments were never fully finalized. The disgruntled appointees invoked an act of Congress and sued for their jobs in the Supreme Court.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France at a price. of $15 million.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    They were sent by Thomas Jefferson, hoping that Lewis and Clark would find a water route linking the Columbia and Missouri rivers.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    This law stopped all trade between America and any other country.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    Prohibited commercial intercourse (trade) with just Britain and France.
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    James Madison was elected President of the United States during this time period beating his opponents, Charles C. Pinckney (F) and George Clinton(DR). (F= Federalists, DR= Democratic Republican)
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Great Britain was supplying Indians with guns and ammunition. They were also halting/began impressments U.S. ships and sailors. Because of that, America stopped trade with Great Britain and started a war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The battle of New Orleans was the final battle of the war of 1812 that took place when British troops tried to seize New Orleans and vast territory that America acquired from the Louisiana purchase. America fought against the British for doing so and they eventually won.
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    Became the 5th president of the United States, “Era of Good Feelings”, created the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Missouri Compromise:

    Missouri Compromise:
    The Missouri compromise were measures passed by U.S. Congress to solve the issue between slave states vs free states. It was said that for every slave state added, a free state will be added.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    In this case a steamboat owner who did business between New York and New Jersey challenged the monopoly that New York had granted, which forced him to obtain a special operating permit from the state to navigate on its waters.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    John Quincy Adams got elected during this time period. It was clearly shown the the “Era of Good Feelings” had ended. People were not very happy when he got elected. They wanted Andrew Jackson to wind. John Quincy Adams cheated in order to win....
  • Expanded Suffrage to All White Males

    Expanded Suffrage to All White Males
    Even with this extension, the voting in the United States was far from universal suffrage. Despite this fact, the expansion of voting qualifications doubled the amount of people eligible to vote. The expansion also changed who the citizens where voting for.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    During this time period, Andrew Jackson was elected president of the United States. Everyone loved him but alot of conflicts happened during his presidency. One thing that he was famous for was his hatred towards banks, especially the National Bank because he thought it was too powerful/evil/only for investors & rich people to be richer, etc.
  • Presidential Research

    Presidential Research
    Indian Removal Act- 1838, Law telling Indians to vouluntarily get out of Georgia causing many Indians to die because of sickness and starvation. Many indians refused to leave.
  • Beginning of Democratic Party (Jacksonian Democracy)

    Beginning of Democratic Party (Jacksonian Democracy)
    Jacksonian Democracy refers to the political philosophy of United States President Andrew Jackson and his supporters. Jackson's policies followed in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson. Jackson's Democratic Party was resisted by the rival Whig Party. In contrast to the Jeffersonian era, Jacksonian democracy promoted the strength of the executive branch and the Presidency at the expense of Congressional power, while also seeking to broaden the public's participation in government. Jacksonians belie
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Was a case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Indians from being present on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.
  • Closing of the U.S. Bank

    Closing of the U.S. Bank
    President Andrew jackson decided to close/ unrenew the contract of the bank of the united states because he didn’t like it and he thought that it was too powerful.