Presidential Timeline P2,G4

  • Election of Geogre Washington

    Election of Geogre Washington
    He was president from 1789-1797 (8 years). He started in February 4, 1789. He didn’t believe in political parties. John Adams was his vice president.
  • Bill Of Rights added to the Constitution

    Bill Of Rights added to the Constitution
    December 15, 1791
    The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These limitations serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property. They guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public
  • Beginning of Federalist Party

    Beginning of Federalist Party
    The Federalist Party started in December 5, 1792. Its roots are in the debates over ratification of the Constitution in 1787-1789. The people who supported ratification organized and aided each other in securing passage. Once the Constitution was ratified they still held similar views and had similar interests so they naturally continued to work together to further their common goals.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The war of 1812 occurred on the 11th of september 1812 through December 24th 1814. In June of 1812 James Madison declared war on Great Britain. The last battle of the war was the battle of new orleans because they wanted to control the mississippi river. Andrew Jackson led the american troops to victory at the battle because the british forgot ladders to reach higher ground.
  • election of john adams

    election of john adams
    It occurred in 1796 on dec 7. He was the 2 president of the united states.He strongly influenced the lousisona purchase which doubled the united states land. John adams was a federalist.Adams was defeated for re-election by Thomas Jefferson and retired to Massachusetts.
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    it occurred in 1798. This was act for the federalist to push several laws through congress. Sedition Acts were four bills passed in 1798 by the Federalists in the 5th United States Congress in the aftermath of the French Revolution and during an undeclared naval war with France, later known as the Quasi-War. They were signed into law by President John Adams.
  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    It started in April 1, 1798. French attempt to bribe the United States by demanding payment before talks could begin on the issue of French seizure of neutral American ships. The XYZ Affair ignited war fever in the United States. Despite strong power, Adams refused to ask Congress to declare war on France.
  • Alien Acts

    Alien Acts
    The law started in June 25, 1798. The president could expel any alien thought to be dangerous to the country. It made it difficult for immigrants to become citizens. These laws helped stop immigrants from voting for the Democratic-Republicans. The number of years an alien had to wait to become a US citizen increased from 5 to 14 years.
  • Election Of Thomas Jefferson

    Election Of Thomas Jefferson
    Jefferson had beaten out John Adams but had tied with his running mate Aaron Burr. This is one of the only times this has happened and it was left up to the house of representatives to decide who won. They had campaigned against each other for 6 days until Jefferson finally won the congress over.
  • John Marshall appointed

    John Marshall appointed
    t occurred in 1801 on jan 27.If ,then the courts to regaurd the constition.It is emphatically the province and duty of the department to say what the law is.Those who apply the rule to particular cases must, of necessity, expound and interpret that rule.
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    February 24, 1803. Court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders. William Marbury was a justice of the peace appointed by John Adams during his presidency. When Adams left the White House, Marbury did not receive his commission under the new president, James Madison. If there is a conflict between any law and the U.S. Constitution, it is within the judicial power granted to the Supreme Court to determine whether t
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    It occurred in 1803 on dec 1.jefferson sent james monroe to new to buy new orleans for 10mil. It doubled it’s size in america.The treaty was signed on april 30 1803.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    December 2, 1803. President Monroe’s foreign policy statement warning European nations not to interfere in Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Lewis & Clark Expedition
    May 14, 1804. Lewis and Clark judged volunteers on the basis of their character, strength, hunting skills, and ability to survive in the wilderness. The Lewis and Clark Expedition was also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition. It was the first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific coast undertaken by the United States.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    On December 1st 1807 George Washington put into play the Embargo act which allowed the United States not to trade with any foreign nation. It also decreased the United States trade rate with everyone because they had no one to trade with. But this act soon came to an end with the non intercourse act.
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    On December 7 1808 James Madison was elected the 4th president of the united states. During James Madison's presidency one of the things he has done is he declared war on Britain. The americans thought the war was going to be easier than they thought when it really came down to the wire. During the war his wife Dolley Madison ran into the white house to grab george washington's portrait right before the white house burned down.
  • Non Intercourse Act

    Non Intercourse Act
    On march 1st 1809 Jefferson admitted the embargo act had failed. He had also came up with a new act to replace the embargo act which was the nonintercourse act. With the non intercourse act it allowed the United States to resume trade with all other nations except Great Britain and France.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 occurred on the 11th of september 1812 through December 24th 1814. In June of 1812 James Madison declared war on Great Britain. The last battle of the war was the battle of New Orleans because they wanted to control the Mississippi river. Andrew Jackson led the american troops to victory at the battle because the british forgot ladders to reach higher ground.
  • election of james monore

    election of james monore
    It occurred in 1816 dec. James Monroe was a democratic republican and was easily elected as the fifth president of the united states. Monroe’s time as president was called Era of Loud. he step up the monroe doctrine and brought florida.
  • gibbons vs. ogden

    gibbons vs. ogden
    t occurred in 1824.A new york state law gave two individuals the exclusive right to operate steamboats on water within state boundaries. Laws are like this one were duplicated elsewhere which led to friction as some states would require foreignboats to pay fees for navigation privileges.In case a steamboatowner, who did business between New York and New Jersey challenged the monopoly that new york had granted, which forced him to obtai a special operateing permit from the state to navigate on it
  • Mculloch v Maryland

    Mculloch v Maryland
    On March 6th 1824 the United States constitution states that there can be a second national bank. But the state of Maryland lacked to pay the tax. McCulloch didn’t think the state could charge you to pay a federal tax so he took this case to supreme court. McCulloch ended up winning his case because a single state does not hold enough power to tax a federal institution.
  • deocratic replubican party

    deocratic replubican party
    It occured in 1828 on dec 3. They supported franc throught out the war. They opposed the national bank. They believed that more bans should be made out to farms.The Democratic-Republican Party was the political party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791-93. It stood in opposition to the Federalist Party and controlled the Presidency and Congress, and most states, from 1801 to 1824, during the First Party System.