Presidential Timeline for Cold War

  • Truman Becomes President

    Truman Becomes President
    Harry S Truman became president in 1945 after Roosevelt died
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman created the Truman Doctrine in 1947 which helped lead to the Cold War.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Truman orders the Berlin Airlift against Russias blockade
  • Korean war begins

    Truman aids South Korean Troops resisting North Korea
  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Joseph Stalin died
  • Eisenhower's Campaign

    Eisenhower's Campaign
    He fulfilled a campaign promise to bring the Korean War to an End.
  • Becomes President

    Becomes President
    Dwight Eisenhower became the 34th president
  • Defense pack with Korea

    Defense pack with Korea
    Signs of mutal defense pack with Korea.
  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Transmits the SEATO to Senate for advice and consent.
  • News Confrence

    News Confrence
    Eisenhower holds first teleivised presidental news conference.
  • Eisenhower doctrine

    Eisenhower doctrine
    The Eisenhower doctrine is signed. Which authorizes the U.s to help the middle east to fight. To keep soviets from influencing others he created a doctrine. Meaning the U.s would use force if the soviets aided any other middle east countries.
  • Kennedy

    Odrered attack at The Pay of Pigs
  • Kennedy

    Sets goal to put a man on the moon.
  • Kennedy

    Berlin wall was bulit.
  • Kennedy

    Cuban missile crisis.
  • Kennedy assassination

  • Johnson becomes president

    Johnson becomes president
    When Kennedy was assassinated, President Johnson took over presidency.
  • Involvement in war

    Johnson opposed direct U.S involvement in the war.
  • Rolling Thunder

    Johnson authorized operation Rolling Thunder which was the relentless bombing campaign that continued for 3 years
  • Johnson in Dominican Republic Crisis

    Johnson in Dominican Republic Crisis
    Johnson sends troops to the Dominican Republic
  • Troops in Vietnam

    Troops in Vietnam
    Johnson ordered more troops in Vietnam
  • President Nixon

    President Nixon
    Nixon becomes president
  • Johnson Lost Presidency

    Johnson lost presidency when he decided not to run.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    President Nixion joins Great Britain and the USSR in signing a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty designed to distribution and production of nuclear weapons.
  • Nixons Resignation

    Nixon announces on television that his resignation would be the next day.
  • Ford Becomes President

    Ford Becomes President
    Geral Ford gets elected on august 9, 1974
  • Clemency Program

    Clemency Program
    Supported clemecy earning for Vietnam war draft evaders
  • Ford "Fireside Chat"

    Ford "Fireside Chat"
    Ford gave his fire side chat to the whole nation on January 13th
  • Vietnam war over

    Vietnam war over
    Gerald made the annoucement at Tulane University that vietnam was over
  • Korean tree incident

    Korean tree incident
    When North Korean soldiers axe-murdered two U.S soldiers, Ford takes strong military actions
  • Salt II

    Salt II was a controversial experiment of negotiations between Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev from 1977 to 1979 between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which sought to curtail the manufacture of stratgeic nuclear weapons.
  • President Carter

    President Carter
    Carter becomes president