Presidential timeline 7,4

  • Election of George Washington

    Without the election of George Washington America may not have survived. He served as one of the best generals in the revolutionary army. He later on became the president of America. with his help America became a united nation
  • Bill of Rights

    At first people believed there should be no bill of rights because it could not list all the peoples rights and they would loose certain liberties and protected rights. later on the bill of rights went into affect and it was added to the constitution. All the nessasary rights were added. the constitution was finished
  • Beginning of democratic republican party.

    The party began in 1792. It was the only other party against the federalists. The party emerged from the anti-federalists. It eventually became the republican party.
  • Beggining of Federalits party.

    The federalist party began in 1792. The party was formed by Alexander Hamilton. Its only president was John adams. The party ended around 1815.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    During George Washington's Presidency, he decided to put a tax on whiskey to pay off the national debt.
  • Election of John Adams

    He was elected in 1796. he was very short tempered man. He was also criticised a lot. His son John Quincy adams later became president.
  • XYZ Affair

    When the french tried to bribe the U.S. by demanding that we give them money before talks could begin on the issue between french and American ships. We asked them to stop attacking our ships. They refused and bribed us. They were broke and needed money and we did not help them in the war
  • Allien Act

    It gave the president the power to kick out any immigrants or people who were not originally from America. No foreigners were allowed. The president would kick out anybody he believed was not foreign, Many problems broke out with angered foreigners
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    The Sedition act prevented anybody or any newspapers to speak out against, or criticize the government.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    There was an electoral vote tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr at 73 votes each person, and because of this, the House of Representatives got to decide who would become President and who would become the Vice president. Because of this intense campaign by Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson was selected over Aaron Burr after 35 ballots.
  • John Marshal Appointed

    John Marshall wrote a biography of George Washington. He later became the justice of chief in 1804. he was very helpful to our economy. He led us to better succes and freedom.
  • Marbury V Madison

    A court case in which the supreme court established the principles of judicial review. There was a debate between the diffrent parties. Madison and Marbury had different beleifs. They both wanted to win.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    The westward expansion of the U.S to gain a lot more territory. We bought this land inthe 1800s. After this purchase indians were forced to move westward. Later on we bought the whole United States.
  • lewis and Clark Expedition

    After the purchase of the Louisiana territory Thomas Jefferson wanted someone to explore the territory beyond the mountains.
    He sent two men lewis and clark to explore the land, They met a women named sacajewea. she was very useful them
  • Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping and seriously damaged American markets, especially for people who exported.
  • Election of James Madison

    James Madison was in power during a very important time in America’s history. Even though America did not finish, or ended, the War of 1812 as "victor," America did end with a stronger and independent economy at the end.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    The Non-Intercourse Act lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those going for British or French ports. It basically did serious damage to the economy of the United States. It was signed on March 1, 1809.
  • War of 1812

    There was an electoral vote tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr at 73 votes each person, and because of this, the House of Representatives got to decide who would become President and who would become the Vice president. Because of this intense campaign by Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson was selected over Aaron Burr after 35 ballots.
  • Battle of New orleans.

    The battle took place on January 8th 1815. It was the last big battle of the war of 1812. Andrew Jackson was a hero of the war. It was fought after the trreaty that ended the war.
  • Election of James Monroe.

    James Monroe was elected in 1816. He wrote the Monroe Doctrine. He was secratary of state under James Madison. His time as president concluded the era before the jacksonian era.
  • Missouri Compromise

    It was passed in 1820. It was for the anti-slave states and the slave states. No states north of 36,30 degrees noth could have slaves.
  • Suffrage to all white males

    Suffrage to all white males
    When the two branches split up. This caused a problem so they only allowed white males to be part of the Government. There were many out b akes.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The border that keep European nations out of the united states. No foreigners were allowed in this territory. There were many cartoons and arguments. Later on the Monroe doctrine was canceled.
  • Gibbens vs Ogden

    The court case of Gibbons Vs Ogden occuered in 1824. The court gave a lisence to Aaron Ogden a liscense to operate a steamboat to take passengers from New York to New Jersey. Gibbons decided to take the case to the supreme court. The supreme court gave the power to regulate commerce to the congress.
  • McColloch v. Maryland

    A very important decision for the Supreme court to make. The state of Maryland wanted to put a tax on all notes of the bank.
  • Election of 1824

    John quincy adams was elected over Andrew jackson. Although, Jackson got more votes. Quincy only won because he promised henry clay the position of secretary of state if he raised support for him in the west. Many people reffered to this as a slaughtered bargin.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson.

    Election was in 1828. He became the 7th president. Support from the common people. He lost to John quincy Adams in his first election. He was a very straightforward president. He kicked many people out of the whitehouse and brought in unqualified people.
  • Beginning of democratic party.

    The party began when Jackson was elected as president. It was an improvement for a democracy for the common man. Jackson wanted to broaden the publics participation in government. It lasted from 1828 to around 1850.
  • Indian Removal Act

    All Native Americans were forcefully removed from their homes. Most Indians died, whether they were small little children or very old people.
  • Worcester vs. Georgia

    The Cherokees went to court, arguing that treaties with the federal goverment protected their rights and property. Then the case had reached the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Marshall declared Georgia’s action unconstitutional and said the Native Americans were protected by the United States Constitution.
  • Closing of the U.S bank

    The U.S. bank was chartered and vetoed by Andrew Jackson.He very much disliked them. He believed that the Banks were unfair. Because of Andrew Jackson the national bank was closed.