Presidential Timeline (1. leon/james)

By 175773
  • Election of George Washington

    Election of George Washington
    George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States by unanimous vote and also ran unopposed.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    It was a protest against wine taxes passed by George Washington. This rebellion led the way for the president to be able to use force to enforce laws.
  • Bill of Rights added to the constitution

    Bill of Rights added to the constitution
    The Bill of rights was added to the Constitution to ensure natural rights of the people like speech and right to bear arms.
  • Beginning of the democratic party (jacksonian democracy)

    Beginning of the democratic party (jacksonian democracy)
    The Democratic Party formed from the Anti-Federalists that opposed Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists.
  • Beginning of the Federalist Party

    Beginning of the Federalist Party
    Alexander Hamilton formed the Federalist party because he needed support for his economic plan that was supported by James Madison and opposed by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Beginning of the democratic-republican Party

    Beginning of the democratic-republican Party
    This party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and it was formed from those who opposed Hamilton and his policies.
  • Election of John Adams

    Election of John Adams
    This was the first contested election to become president where John Adams went against Thomas Jefferson after George Washington refused a third term.
  • John Marshall appointed

    John Marshall appointed
    John Adams appointed John Marshall as a Chief Justice with the Midnight Judges act when John Jay declined his appointment as Justice.
  • Sediton act

    Sediton act
    Made it a crime to publish bad things/slander the government.
  • Alien Act

    Alien Act
    Congress passed this act along with the Sedition act allowing the president to deport any immigrant considered dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    This was when the United States sent three people to negotiate with France but France refused to negotiate unless the united states paid a large sum of money.
  • Election of Thomas Jefferson

    Election of Thomas Jefferson
    He was elected president in 1800. It resulted in the 12th amendment requiring people to vote specifically for president and vice president. It is also proof that the US can survive the change in power between the 2 parties.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The US purchased land from France for 15 million dollars at less than 3 cent an acre, and this more than doubled the size of the US.
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Marbury vs Madison
    First law to be called unconstitutional by Supreme Court.
  • Lewis and Clark expodition

    Lewis and Clark expodition
    Lewis and Clark set out to map and discover the newly purchased west.
  • Embargo act

    Embargo act
    Restricted trade from everyone while Britain was at war with France. This greatly lowered the US exports to almost no worth.
  • Election of James Madison

    Election of James Madison
    This was the first presidential election that had a vice president re-elected.
  • Non-intercourse act

    Non-intercourse act
    Replaced embargo act to restrict trade from only england and france.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    It was a war between the US and Britain for trade restriction, impressment, and British support of Indian tribes. The capitol was burnt to the ground and inspired Key to write the Star Spangled Banner
  • Battle of new Orleans

    Battle of new Orleans
    It was the final major battle of the war of 1812 and this battle is regarded as the greatest victory in the war with the Americans winning despite being outnumbered.
  • Election of James Monroe

    Election of James Monroe
    James Monroe was elected as the next president and won by a landslide.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Maryland passed an act to put taxes on all bank notes not chartered by Maryland. This case established that the Constitution grants Congress implied powers and the state may not impede constitutional powers used by the federal government.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    Missouri would be a slave state and Maine would be a free state Missouri set boundary as highest slave states went and anything above Missouri was a free state.
  • Expanded suffrage to all white males

    Expanded suffrage to all white males
    All white males had the right to vote.
  • Monroe doctrine

    Monroe doctrine
    America would get involved if Europe tried to do anything with the Americas.
  • Gibbons vs Ogden

    Gibbons vs Ogden
    Ogden filed a complaint asking the court to restrain Gibbons from using his steamboat. Gibbons’ lawyer argued that Congress had exclusive national power over interstate commerce.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    It was an election between John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William H Crawford, and Henry Clay.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    He created the democratic party.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    Andrew Jackson signed the Indian removal act to move west.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Supreme court ruled georgia's state law limiting indian freedom an their own land without a licence unconstitutional.
  • Closing of the us Bank

    Closing of the us Bank
    Nicholas Biddle needed to renew the bank charter but Andrew Jackson denied it closing the national bank and making state banks.