presidential timeline

  • XYZ affair

    XYZ affair
    government was named after the letters x y and z
  • election of george washington

    election of george washington
    was elected as first president
  • beggining of democratic party

    beggining of democratic party
    started during geore washingtons presidentcy
  • bill of rights added to the constutuion

    bill of rights added to the constutuion
    bill of rights was added to the constution (:
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    farmers from pennsylvania launched atacks on federal agentsin response to taxing the whiskey, this gave the government strength because it showed how strong we were
  • the election of john adams

    the election of john adams
    this had the first actual party system and he helped with the french revolution
  • beggining of fedarlists party

    beggining of fedarlists party
    the fedarlists were the favorite and formed a stronger national government
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    law that it was a crime to criticize by speech of the government of constitiution sedition act
  • ailen act

    ailen act
    gave president power to remove and not allow alieans in the
  • thomas jeferson elected

    thomas jeferson elected
    jefferson was a simple man and he believed in power to the people and made sure there neds wher e heard
  • marbury vs madison

    marbury vs madison
    a case decided to commison justice
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    when the U.S. bought the louisiana territory from the french
  • lewis and clark expedition

    lewis and clark expedition
    the two men that expored the area of the louisana purchase
  • john marshall apointed

    john marshall apointed
    chose himself as cheif justice
  • embargo act

    embargo act
    this act stopped trade with america and any other country due to britain taking over our ships
  • james madison

    james madison
    he was the father of the constitution and won his election by a land slide
  • non intercourse act

    non intercourse act
    congress reopened trade with everyone but france and britain when the embargo act failed
  • war of 1812

    war of 1812
    this war was fought between britain and the united states over the british takeing over our ships and our people and taking them into their own navy
  • battle of new orleans

    battle of new orleans
    final major battle of the war of 1812 against france and spain
  • election of james monroe

    election of james monroe
    monroe had surport during election just not from the fedarlist party.
  • mculloch vs. maryland

    mculloch vs. maryland
    maryland wanted to impede but to keep them in place mcCulloch passed a landmarkk decission
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    past missouri as a slave state and admitted maine as a free state
  • expanded suffarge to white males

    expanded suffarge to white males
    more suffrage to whites without slave labor
  • monroe docterine

    monroe docterine
    let our country defend its self agianst other countrys
  • election of 1824

    election of 1824
    john quincy adams won but by house of reps but not peoples votes
  • gibbons vs ogden

    gibbons vs ogden
    landmark desicon made to allow steamboats on others land
  • electionm of andrew jackson

    electionm of andrew jackson
    jackson went against henry clay and won,
  • indian removal act

    indian removal act
    a law in which indians were to be relocated to the other side of the mississippi
  • closing of the U.S. bank

    closing of the U.S. bank
    jackson simply felt they had too much power
  • worcester vs. georgia

    worcester vs. georgia
    this case was when the supreme court accused Georgia of vacating indians illegaly and worcester was being convicted of it.