Presidential Campaigns

By ConWag
  • George Washington

    George Washington was elected president unanimous vote with no campaign.
  • John Adams VS. Thomas Jefferson

    The first instance of United States presidential campaigning.
  • Mudslinging

    Jefferson printed a anti Fedrilsts article and inresponse Adams prints a leaflet trash talking Jefferson.
  • William Graham Sumner

    "the office has been moulded by the tastes and faiths of the people."
  • Campaign Slurs

    The Republican Pary made a jingle refuring to the opponents who had allegedly had an illegitimate child.
  • Political Speeches

    Woodrow Wilson is considered by some to have been the first U.S. presidential canidate to engage in a full scale speaking campaign.
  • First Televised Debate

    The first televised debate in with John F. Kennedy VS. Richard Nixon.
  • Use of the Internet

    While campaigning for president Barack Obama released a speech called "A More Perfect Union" which got millions of views.