Pre civil war terr.

pre-civil war timeline

  • missouri compromize

    missouri compromize
    a compmize that amited missouri as a slave state and main as a free state and keep slavery banned from the lousina terotory north of the parrel 36 30, missouris southren boader where slavery could be and where they could not. it was compromiseing where and where not slaves could be
  • wilmont proviso

    was made to prevent the south from taking slaves into land won from mexico it help cause the civil was because the south saw slaves as proptery so the could not take their proptery places
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    to please the north calafornia was admitted as a free state and slave trade would be aboulished in washtion DC
    to please the south congress would not pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the terotorys won from mexico and would pass stronger laws to help slaveholders to recapture runaway slaves they changed many peoples lives becouse they were in fear of being recaptured and if the ywere free the could be cought and sold in to slavery
  • uncle toms cabin

    uncle toms cabin
    uncle toms cabin was a book published by harriet beecher stowe it drmaticly protrayed the moral issues of slavery the the book incressed the popularity of drama and abolitiomst it brought up tentions about slavery
  • kansas- nebraska act

    kansas- nebraska act
    senator stephen a douglas drafted a bill to orgnise territal governments in the there was popular soveinty it helped lead to the civil war becouse popular sovernity had a lot of southerns swinging the vote the kansas nebraska terrotry
  • dred scott v. sanford

    dred scott v. sanford
    the case of dred scoot, a slave in missouri. his owner took him to live in places where slavery was illigle and when to tiral for his fredom it viloued proptery laws to the slave holders that makes the missouri compormise unconstunail
  • The election of 1860

    it turned out to be two diffrent races for presdency the northern elections and the southern election. in the south lincon wasent even one of the options on the ballet. lincon was and teh south was mad and they seceeded from the union and foarmed teh confedrate states of america.