Pre-Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A compromise was reached were maine would enter as a free state and missouri would enter as slave state. Also the future line between slave and free would be drawn called the missouri commpromise line
  • Period: to

    Pre-Civil WAR

  • California Statehood

    California Statehood
    California enters as a free state
  • fugitive slave law

    fugitive slave law
    This forced the north to return all excaped slaves to the south
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin published
    This was a book published in order to describe the life of a slave in order to win over people be abolitionists
  • Onsted Manifesto

    Onsted Manifesto
    This was were the united states tryed to buy cuba but the north thought that the south was trying to make it another slave state
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Repealed the affects of the missouri compromise thus opening the nebraska and kansas teritorys
  • John Brown invades Pottawatomie, Kansas

    John Brown invades Pottawatomie, Kansas
    This was when john brown masacered two slave owners in front of thier familys
  • The beating of Charles Sumner

    The beating of Charles Sumner
    This was a Attact in the united states senate floor for one senetor speaking out agianst slavery
  • Raid on Lawrence, Kansas

    Raid on Lawrence, Kansas
    These were fights in order to make the state free or slave fought by settlers
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    It allowed slavery in all territorys because it was considerded unconstitutional to take someones property away
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    This was the weeks of campagiens between Lincoln and Douglas for the seat in the white house
  • Harper's Ferry Raid

    Harper's Ferry Raid
    This was a raid done by john brown in order to capture the united states arsinal.
  • Abraham Lincoln Is elected as Presedent

    Abraham Lincoln Is elected as Presedent
    This was the election for the 16th presetency were abraham beat douglas
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    This was the first state to leave the union or the united states starting the civil war
  • Fort Sumter Attack

    Fort Sumter Attack
    This was the first battle of the civil war