power timeline

  • Steam Engine

    The steam engine was developed by Thomas Newcomen, it became the first engine that performs using steam.
  • Lightning Rod

    The lightning rod was first founded by Benjamin Franklin. It is to prevent lightning from damaging buildings and other materials.
  • Newcomen Engine

    James Watt developed and produced a more efficient Newcomen engine, it is to harness the power of steam.
  • Trough Battery

    William Cruickshank founded the first electric battery capable of mass production, it is arranged horizontally in a trough.
  • Safety Lamp

    Sir Humphrey Davy created a safety lamp for the miners to prevent from causing flames.
  • Light Bulb

    The first light bulb was created by Thomas Alfa Edison and is one of the most famous inventions, it is now used everywhere as a light source, as it is the most effective.