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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was a war over communist powers in Vietnam. Fighting in Vietnam had been happening long before the war officially began. After the French pulled out of the war, the U.S. intervened. The Vietnam War was a "Jungle War", fought in sometimes horrible and barbaric conditions against the well-adept Viet Cong. It was very dangerous and difficult fighting, causing many soldiers to become frustrated and angry, and even use drugs. After the War, Vietnam became a united Communist country,
  • Kennedy elected President

    Kennedy elected President
    Democratic President John F. Kennedy was inaugurated on this day. He Served for two years, winning every election he was entered in before he was tragically shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. President Kennedy and his wife both had admirable personalities, both helping to reform America. They were incredibly well-liked among citizens, especially African-Americans due to the fact that Kennedy supported Martin Luther King Jr..
  • Peace Corps Created

    Peace Corps Created
    John F. Kennedy wanted a way to help develop and aid hurting, underdeveloped communities all around the world while educating them about American culture. Helping rid the U.S. of stereotypes, other countries could now understand our government, what we stand for as Americans and daily living. Around 139 countries around the world have been served.
  • Berlin Wall Begins Construction

    Berlin Wall Begins Construction
    This wall divided berlin for nearly three decades, 1961-1989. East Berlin was Communist, which is understandable as it was closest to the Soviet Union (Russia). West Berlin wanted to stay anti-communist, and keep their freedom. This was a continuous reminder that the Cold War was causing people to choose "sides" as the fight for a better form of government went on.
  • Voting Rights Act Passed

    Lyndon B. Johnson passes the Voting Rights Act, Giving African Americans the right to vote. This was, among other reasons, used to support the 15th amendment (Banned discrimination preventing people from voting).
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    This March, attended by 250,000 people, was a push for Civil Rights. This was the largest demonstartion ever seen in Washington as well as the first one to have a ton of television coverage. The March was NOT violent whatsoever, being noted for its peacfulness. Several large civil rights groups attended.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated John F. Kennedy by shooting him driving in a car in Dallas, TX. Injured included Governer Connally (Governer of Texas) and James Tague (An eyewitness) who were both injured by ricocheting bullets.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Takes Kennedy's Place

    Lyndon B. Johnson Takes Kennedy's Place
    Lyndon B. Johnson takes John F. Kennedy's place after his horrible assassination in Dallas, TX. Lyndon then went on to serve another term as he was re-elected after finishing out Kennedy's term.
  • The Great Society Created

    Laws put into action by Lyndon B. Johnson throughout his term include:
    -Created Medicare and Medicaid (healthcare for the aged and poor)
    -Funded the building of Public Housing Units
    -Lifted quotas on immigration
    -Required efforts to ensure clean water
    -Offered increased protection to consumers
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Gender and Race)

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Gender and Race)
    A law passed that outlawed discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and women. This Act not only ended discrmination of race, but also gender. African Americans wanted to end race discrimination in schools, public areas and in jobs. Women were looking to earn back their rights, leaving behind the 1950's "perfect wife" personality.
  • American Indian Movement

    American Indian Movement
    President Johnson passes an Executive Order focusing on fixing the wrongs that were imposed upon Native Americans.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee on his motel room balcony. Later, he died in a hospital. James Earl Ray confessed to shooting and killing King, but later took back his statement. He was sentenced to 99-years in prison, said to have pleaded guilty to avoid the death sentence.
  • Neil Armstrong is the first man on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong is the first man on the Moon
    Apollo 11 was the first successful moon mission. Neil Armstrong, at the age of 39, was the first man to ever set foot on the moon. His famous words "One Small Step for Man, One Gigantic Leap for Man-kind" still inspire people that they can achieve any goal.
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    An incredible, artistic event that occured in 1969, The Woodstock Music and Art Festival. Over 500,000 people went, breaking down racial barriers and creating a peaceful weekend of music.
  • Kent State shooting occurs

    Also known as the May 4th Massacre or Kent State Massacre, the Kent State shooting occured on at Kent State University after the Ohio National Guard killed four and injuried nine unarmed college students. These students who were shot were protesting against the American invasion of Cambodia. Students were becoming violent days previous to May 4 and after multiple tries in trying to disperse the students, some guards began firing, causing a large court matter.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    Signed into a law by President Richard Nixon, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. It's purpose is to "assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance".
  • War Powers Resolution

    The Wars Power Resolution is a federal law intended to check the President's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress. This provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action only by authorization of Congress or in case of a national emergency made by attack upon the United States, its territories or armed forces.
  • National Energy Act

    The National Energy Act was a legislative response by the United States government to the 1973 energy crisis. This act occured because Congress was trying to reduce the use and dependency on imported oil and it showed there were other ways to conserve or reduce the use of energy.
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    Considered the worst accident in US commercial power plant history, the Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island power plant, resulting in the release of small amounts of radioactive gases into the enviroment. It occured with a failure of a non-nuclear secondary system that allowed nuclear collant to escape.
  • Nuclear Freeze Movement

    The Nuclear Freeze Movement was invented in 1980 by a disarmament researcher named Randall Forsberg. This movement caught everyone by surprise because there was no actual war but only an increased threat of war. They thought this war would start because the U.S. Senate's failure to ratify the arms control agreement that had been negoaited by the Soviet Union. The idea of this movement was to come to a mutual freeze on testing, productions and deployment of nuclear weapons, missiles and aircraft.
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    Reagan Revolution

    The presidency of Ronald Reagan is referred to the Reagan Revolution. Reagan was elected in a landslide because he was an “American Exceptionalist”, a person that understood that there was something special and different about America that set it apart from all other nations. He easily changed the course of the nation, lowering taxes and regulations to stimulate the economy and standing up for America’s principles and beliefs around the world which made him popular during his presidency.
  • Reagan Doctrine is created

    Reagan Doctrine is created
    On Feburary 6th, 1985, President Roland Reagan presents the "Reagan Doctrine" which was a forgein policy enacted by President Reagan. The doctrine was created to help eliminate the communist governments in Africa, Asia and Latin America which were supported by the Soviet Union. During the Cold War, the government focused on containing communism but Reagan wanted to eliminate it and encourage capitalism instead.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    The Iran-Contra Affair otherwise known as Iran-Contra scandal was a political scandal in the United States of America.This scandal occured because administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo (an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country). Some offcials hoped that these arm sales would get them to release hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty ratified

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty ratified
    The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987. Ratified in 1988 after being signed President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, it eliminated nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with intermediate ranges. It came into force of June 1, 1988.
  • George W. Bush Elected President

    George W. Bush Elected President
    George W. Bush, the 43rd president, served as president from 2001-2009. Winning by a hair against Al Gore, he was President for two terms. He is seen as very popular but very un-popular too. In the instance of 9/11, he was seen as popular. However, in the economic crisis of 2008 he was seen as very unpopular.
  • Terrorsits Hijack 4 Passenger Planes

    Terrorsits Hijack 4 Passenger Planes
    Four passenger planes were aprrehended by terrorists looking to harm citizens. HItting the Twin Towers caused them to collapse and for the city to seuffer severe casualities, around 3,000 people. Many people began discriminating against muslims and other middle-eastern people who were U.S. Citizens. Many peoplebelieve that 9/11 was a conspiracy set up by the government to prevent economis collapses. These theories are well supported and cause many to question the sincerity of our government.
  • Patriot Act Signed

    A law signed to help the government catch terrorists. Some people think that it intrudes on Privacy Rights, but it has still been continued due to the four-year extension Obama signed in 2011.
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    Iraq War

    Invasion and occupation of Iraq
  • President Obama is Elected

    President Obama is Elected
    Democratic Barack Obama succeeded President George W. Bush. As the first African-American in office he faces countless prejudices and is commonly known as the man who put the U.S. in debt. First, his race played a factor in the way he was percieved by many white citizens still reeling from 9/11. Besides that, his views on war were not always the same as the general public. Despite many efforts to curb the national debt, his reforms on the economy only made it worse.
  • Environmental Protection Agency

    The Environmental Protection Agency also known as the EPA was proposed by President Richard Nixon and is an agency of the United States federal government which was created to protect human health and the enviroment by enforcing regulations based on laws that were passed by Congress.