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1954-1975 Timeline APUSH by rdg5678

By rdg5678
  • President Eisenhower

    President Eisenhower</a> Dwight D. Eisenhowers presidency was from January 20, 1953- January 20, 1961. General Eisenhower was chosen by the Republican Party and he was the most popular American of his time. True to his campaign Eisenhower took a trip to Korea and 7 months later he hinted the use of atomic weapons; an armistice was finally signed. Eisenhower strove to balence the federal budget. He also wanted to shield the republic from what he called "creeping socialism." Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
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    1954-1975 Timeline APUSH by rdg5678

  • Dien bien phu

    Dien bien phu Dien bien phu was a french fortress in Southeast Asia that France was trying to hold on to. This was the foundation of the chaos and conflict that would occur in Vietnam. The battle was fought between the French and the Vietnamese and it marks the begining of American intrest in Vietnam.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education' >Expanding Civil Rights</a> Many parts of the United States had segregated schools. In the early 1950s laywers brought lawsuits on behalf of black schoolchildren and their families. The court ruled that segregation in public schools was "inherently unequal" and thus unconstitutional.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks In Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her set on a bus in the colored section to a white man. She was arrested for refusing to move and It spured the Montgomery Bus Boycott which lasted until the buses were desegregated.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott</a> The Montgomery Bus Boycott sparked by Rosa Parks was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Abernathy. The demands were that seating should go by a first come first serve basis. people were encouraged not to take the bus and either share a cab or walk. King showed his tactic of peaceful resistance through the Boycott. The supreme court in result declared that segregated busing was unconstitutional.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th Edition
  • The Interstate Highway Act

    The Interstate Highway Act'
    It was the the largest and most expensive publics work act, authorizing construction of 41,000 miles of freeway in the U.S. Source: The American Pageant 13th Edition
  • Southern Christain Leadership Conference

    Southern Christain Leadership Conference Martin Luther King Jr. formed the Southern Christaion Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957. It aimed to mobelize the powers of black churches on behalf of black rights.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Three years after the supreme courts Brown vs. Board of education, the federal court ordered Little Rock to comply. Govenor Faubus defied court and called in the national guard to prevent nine african american students from entering. President Eisenhower ordered the teenagers protection but Faubus dissmissed the troops exposing the students to an angry white mob.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee or SNCC was formed by southern black students to give more focus and force to the civil rights movement.
  • President Kennedy

    President Kennedy</a>
    John F. Kennedy was the 35th president. In the Presidental Election of 1960 televison played a huge part in the election. American viewers found Kennedy's glamour and vitality more appealing then Nixons presence. Kennedy was the youngest president ever elected and he assembled one of the youngest cabinets. In his inagural speech he said "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." He was assassinated 22 Nov. 1963.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs The Bay of Pigs was an attempt to overthrow the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. The U.S. promised air support to the anti-Castro rebels but didn't go through with it. The mission failed miserable and Kennedy took full credit for it.
    Source:The American Pageant 13th edition
  • The Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders The Freedom Rides -members of the Nashville Student Group-boarded a bus where blacks and whites were seated together. They made stops along the way and met little resistance along the way until Rockville, S.C. where an angry mob beat the Freedom Riders when they pulled up.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    An American U2 plane caught images of Soviets installing ABM's in Cuba. Kennedy ordered a naval quarintine of Cuban and demanded that the missiles be removed. For 13 days the world watched anxiously as it was on the brink of war.
  • Birmingham

    Birmingham</a> Martin Luther King Jr. used children in Birmingham because adults had jobs they were not willing to risk. The police were oredered to use attack dogs and firehoses against the protesting students. 500 were jailled and arrested while the film of the event and news was reported around the world.
  • President Johnson

    President Johnson</a> Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th President. He served during World War two and was part of the House then the Senate. In the election of 1960 he was Kennedy's running mate. Johnson became president when Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He urged the nation "to build a greaty society." In 1964 Johnson was elected. Johnson used his height and got into peoples faces to get his way.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964</a> The civil rights act forbade discrimination basesd on sex and race while hiring, promoting and firing. The legislation expanded the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision, which enfored laws that prohibit discrimination baced on race, color, religion, sex, disability, etc.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution It passed after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, it stated that that the president could take any measures to repel an armed attack on the United States and prevent futher agression.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Economic Opertunity Act

    Economic Opertunity Act</a> The Economic Opertunity Act was by President Johnson. It was central to his "Great society" and also the war on poverty. It included several programs too promote health, education, and general welfare of the impoverished.
  • Great Society Program

    Great Society Program</a>The Great Society program was created during Johnsons Presidency in January 1965. It dealt with education, disease, Medicare, conservation, development of depressed regions, poverty, control and prevention of crime, and removal of obstacle to vote.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    This Viet Cong military canpaign causght american forces off guard. The Viet Cong launched attacks on many U.S. installations. The U.S. stopped the attacks but it showed that the enemy was not done fighting and it lowered the popularity of the war in the U.S. Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Malcolm X Assassination

    Malcolm X Assassination Malcolm X was a civil rights leader. He differed from King because he did not support the nonviolent movements. He was a brilliant and charismatic preacher who called Blacks towrds seperatism. Malcolm X was assassinated on Feb.21 1965.
    The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder By March 1965 the Americans had "operation rolling thunder" in full swing. It consisted of regular full scale bombhing. Before the end of the year American had 184,000 troops that were involved in the Vietnam War. Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Voting Rights Act 1965

    Voting Rights Act 1965</a> President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. The act made it easier for southern blacks to register to vote. Voting requirements that prevented African Americans from voting such as voting taxes and literacy tests were made illegeal and expanded the voting rights to non english speaking citizens.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr. assassination Martin Luther King Jr. used nonviolent ways of protests in the civil rights movements. He founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and also recieved a Nobel Peace Prize, He was assassinated on April 4, 1968.
  • President Nixon

    President Nixon</a>President Nixon was solitary and suspicious by nature.He did though bring one valuable asset to the White House- his knowledge and thoughtful expertise in foreign affairs.Nixon sought not to end the war.He wanted to win it by other means. Nixon's resignation was the result from his knowledge of Watergate. His biggest mistake was his alleged obstruction of justice and his failure to obey subpoenas.Source;The American Pageant 13thEdition
  • Enviromental Protection Agency

    Enviromental Protection Agency In 1970 President Nixon and Congress established the Enviromental Protection Agency in response to growing public demand for clean water, air and land. The EPA was created to fix national guidelines and monitor and enforce them. The agency was in charge of the clean water act, air polution, clean air act and regulation of waste water discharges.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon pursued what he called Vietnamization which was the withdrawing of the 540,000 troops in South Vietnam over an extended period of time.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords In 1973 a cease fire was finally reached. Congress set out to ensure that no "blank check" like the TonkinGulf Resoultion would be passed again.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • President Ford

    President Ford' > Gerald R. Ford took office in 1974 after President Nixon resigned. His openess made him a well liked person. During his time in office Ford pardoned NIxon and set his first goal to curb inflation. Ford was viewed as a "a moderate in domestic affairs, a conservative in fiscal affairs, and a dyed-in-the-wool internationalist in foreign affairs." He also continued the Detente with the Soviet Union that Nixon began.
  • Ford Pardons Nixon

    Ford Pardons Nixon
    Once Ford became President he granted Nixon a complete pardon for any of the crimes Nixon might have committeed when he was President. Fords actions greatly angered Democrats and people became suspicious about the circumstances of the pardon and because of this it casted a dark shadow onto Ford's chance of becoming President in the next election.
    Source: The American Pageant 13th edition
  • Tax Reduction Act

    Tax Reduction Act' > President Ford asked Congress to pass a $16 Billion reduction of federal taxes in order to stimulate the economy and to also put Americans back to work. Fords goal with the Tax Reduction Act was to boost the economy.