Portuguese and Spanish Explorers Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1437

    Henry the Navigatior

    Henry the Navigatior
    Was the organizer of the Portuguese expedition to Tangier.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Left with three ships, first traveled to Canary Islands. Stopped in Gran Canaria and left from San Sebastian de La Gomera on the 6th of September. Saw land, called San Salvador. Explored Cuba. Continued to northern coast of Hisaniola.
  • Dec 25, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    The Santa Maria had to be abandoned. Sailed along northern coast of Hispaniola with a single ship.
  • Jan 13, 1493

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Made last stop of his voyage in the New World. Landed on Samana Peninsula. Columbus headed to spain with 10-25 kidnapped natives, where a storm forced him into Libson. Spent a week in Portugal and again set sail for Spain. Entered harbor of Palos on March 15, 1493.
  • Jul 8, 1497

    Vasco da Gama

    Vasco da Gama
    Led 4 ships with crew of 170 from Lisbon. Traveled around Africa to India.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    Settled on island of Hispaniola when he traveled to the New World. Founded settlement of Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien in 1510.
  • Apr 1, 1505

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Sent fleet of 22 ships to Portuguese India. Fought in several battles. Later sailed to Malacca.
  • Jan 1, 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    He crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific ocean. First European to have reached the Pacific from the New World.
  • Sep 29, 1513

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa
    His main purpose was to find gold rich kingdoms. Ended up on the bay which he named Sam Miguel. Defeated lands of caciques and took their riches. Set out for islands ruled by Terarequi. Returned to Santa Maria Passed through many regions and had a bloody battle. Headed to islands of Comagre. Finally arrived in Santa Maria in 1514.
  • Aug 10, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Five ships left Seville to Sanlucar de Barrameda. Stopped at Canary Islands and arrived at Cape Verde. Set course for Brazil. South America sighted in November. Sailed East Coast and reached Rio de la Plata.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    First Europeans to reach Tierra del Fuego