
Population: Seven Billion

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    Beginning of Mankind

    Beginning of Mankind
    There are numerous theories to as how mankind and the human population has came about. From the religious beliefs, to the scientific theories, people all over the world believe in ultiple different theories on how our existence began. Although we may not know exactly how our existence came about, we do know one thing, and that is that the population of mankind has grown exponentially since it has came about,
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    Population Growth

    Population Growth
    Due to advances in technology and medicine, our population has been enabled to grow rapidly and with more and more advancements there are more and more people. According to the UN Population Division, there was a population of about seven billion people on planet Earth compared to only 2 billion in 1930.
  • Vaccination

    Dr. Edward Jenner first introduced the idea of vaccinations in 1796, when he successfully prevented a young English boy from getting smallpox. The concept of vaccination was propelled further by scientists such as Louis Pasteur, and in the modern era, when large groups of soldiers were successfully vaccinated in World War I and II against such diseases as tetanus, diphtheria and typhus.
  • Medicine

    Public health is credited with adding 25 years to the life expectancy of people in the United States in the 20th century. Advancements in categories such as vaccinations, motor vehicle safety, fluoridation of drinking water, decline in death from heart diesaese as well as infectious diseases as well as many more have cause this enormous growth in population in the 20th century which has continued to grow to this day on.
  • Discoveries

    It is the discorvei\ries of new vaccinations, different cures to diseases, different motor vehicle technologies and many more different discoveries that have allowed our population to grow so large. And as you can see when you look at the population numbers, we are not slowing down at any rates and that is definitely due to the dedicated men and woman who work hard to find these cures in order to allow the people to live longer, happier lives.
  • Continuous Growth

    Continuous Growth
    Yes population growth can be thought of as a good thing, but if it grows so much to where it becomes to be unsupportable in some places then it bad and that is the point the the world is reaching in some areas. Due to the amount of polution that all of the people in the world are causing, it is damaging the Earth. And in turn, some parts of our world are experiencing climate change which can effect our food and crops that supply a large amount of our food.