Ponyboy Curtis by Kimmy

  • The Socs jump Ponyboy

    Pony gets "jumped" by the Socs which is a term meaning he got cornered or beat up by the Socs. The Socs had a knife under his neck.
  • Ponyboy meets Cherry

    Ponyboy meets Cherry
    Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy all went to the drive-in and met two socs named Cherry and Marcia.
  • Ponyboy and Johnny run away

    Ponyboy and Johnny run away
    Darry slaps Ponyboy because he came home too late and Ponyboy decides to run away with Johnny because he was so upset.
  • Pony gets drowned by a soc

    Ponyboy and Johnny ran to a park. Then, a soc named Bob (Cherry's boyfriend) began drowning Ponyboy in the fountain and Johnny grabbed his switchblade and stabbed the soc.
  • Pony and Johnny disguise themselves

    After killing Bob, Ponyboy and Johnny decide that they need to bleach and cut their hair because they think the police will be looking for guys with long greasy hair.
  • Pony, Johnny, and Dally become heros

    Pony, Johnny, and Dally become heros
    Pony, Johnny, and Dally ran inside the burning church to save some children.
  • Johnny is severly injured

    Johnny is severly injured
    On their way out of the church Johnny gets hit by a piece of timber and he pushes Ponyboy towards the window so that he could get out before he got injured too,
  • The rumble

    Ponyboy and the rest of the greasers have a "rumble" with the socs.
  • Ponyboy goes to the hospital

    Ponyboy goes to the hospital
    After the rumble, the greasers go to the hospital to see how Johnny is doing and while they were there he passed away.
  • Dally gets shot by a policeman

    The greasers went into the vacant lot and found Dally standing there with a gun pointing at a police officer. Another police officer shot Dally which Ponyboy thinks was Dally's plan all along.
  • Pony, Soda, and Darry go to court

    Pony, Soda, and Darry go to court
    They go to a court hearing because the police were thinking about putting them into boy's homes.
  • Ponyboy finds Johnny's note

    Ponyboy opened up the book that him and Johnny used to read together but then a note fell out that was written to him from Johnny.
  • Ponyboy writes his book report

    Ponyboy writes his book report
    Ponyboy decides to write his book report about Johnny and Dally's life and we end up finding out that the book that he wrote is The Outsiders.