Politicol party time line

  • The Federalists Party

    The Federalists Party
    This was the fisrt U.S. political party. The federalists lost their power and were reduced to a minority party in 1800. In that time they had to mostly reside in England. Most supporters were planters, artists, and small time farmers.
  • The Whig Party

    The Whig Party
    This party was formed from another called the National Republican Party. The leaders of this party were Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. The base of this party was in New York and New England.
  • The Liberty Party

    The Liberty Party
    The party was created in 1840 and ended in 1848 as the picture to the left says. It's main focus was on the anti-slavery movement. The party was lead by William Lloyd Grarrison who wanted to stop slavery immeadiatly.
  • The Free Soil Party

    The Free Soil Party
    Only party to officially announce the Comprimise of the 1850. They wanted to repeal of the law called the Fugitive Slave Law. They also apposed the admission of slave states. The actually demanded this.
  • The Greens Partry

    The Greens Partry
    This parties main focus is making the world cleaner andb safer. There goal on making the world greener is to make us live in harmony with nature. The Greens Party is the oldest Green Organization in America.
  • The Soacialists Party

    The Soacialists Party
    This party is focused on the people and them having control of their own lives. They have been doing this for I don't know how many yaers. They may one day accomplish there goal and make no one have such grat power over another.(Note that date is not true because it could not be found).