Political Party Timeline

  • Federalist Party

    Federalist Party
    The Federalist Party was the first political party ever made in the United States. Members from Jefferson's group called themselves the Democratic-Republican Party. The Federalists wanted to limit the federal government's power and to leave most of the power in the hands of statea and local governments.
  • Whigs: Henry Clay

    Whigs: Henry Clay
    In 1836 the Whig Party was created out of the National Republican Party. The Whig Party was based in New England and New York. The Whig was made up of mostly Northen middle-class people.
  • Know-Nothing Party

    Know-Nothing Party
    The Know-Nothing Party supporters were former Democratics who objected the number of immigrants coming intot he United States.
  • The Republican Party

    The Republican Party
    In the early 1850 the Republican Party was made when anit-slavery Democratics joined with the anti-slavery Free Soil Party. The goal of the Republican Party was to end slavery. It's first meeting took place on July 6, 1854.
  • The Donkey and the Elephant

    The Donkey and the Elephant
    The Donkey re-emerged as the symbol of the Democratic party, and later the Elephant become the symbol of the Republican party. Thing is while the Republican officially adopted the Elephant as it mascot. The Democratics never officially accepted the Donkey as it mascot but still uses it frequently.
  • U.S. Third Parties

    U.S. Third Parties
    After the Civil War was over, Americans went into many arguements about women's voting rights and labor reform. New political parties were formed fouscing on those issues.