Political Developments of the Early Republic

  • Washington Becomes the first President

    Washington Becomes the first President
    George Wahington was not sure he wanted to be president.The American public reatly wanted him to be their first president. Washington wanted to make sure the office of President was respect at home and aboard.
  • Whiskey Rebellio

    Whiskey Rebellio
    The cause for this rebellion was the resentment felt by western farmers toward a federal excise tax on whiskey.Those farmers revolte against the whiskey taxes.To put an end at this rebellion Washington sent an army of 15,000 troops from several states.They were ready to fight to protect their authory of the new federal government.
  • John Adams become President

    John Adams become President
    In 1796 he was elected the nation's second President by a slim margin.He had been leader of the Revolution and had served as Vice President for two terms under President Washington.He sided with the Federalists.He believed that liberty could best be prserved by a powerful government headed by a strong and able executive such as himself.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Americans take sides in the war between the French and the British.Adam's insistence on neutrality angered them. They launched a series of virulent attacks on the President.On of teh law made it difficult for an Alien to become citizen by extending the naturalization period from five to 14 years.
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes President

    Thomas Jefferson becomes President
    Thomas Jefferson was thre third President of the United
    State.Jefferson was a Republican.He began to implement his Replubican view that the Federal government should be small, frugal and limited in its powers.In 1803, an issue forced him to rethink his belief in a " strict " interpretation of the Constitution.
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    Marbury had a right to his appointment, the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutiona.The Supreme Court power that wasn't mentioned in the Constitution.The Supreme Court was able to strike down an Act of Congress ( Judiciary act of 1789 ).
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson found himself in a quandary.While he supported the purchase of Louisiana,his decisions left him with the uneasy feeling that he had " gone beyond the Constitution ".The people feared for the Future of the republic should so a large territory be added to the nation.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Britain creates blockade and bans all trade to French controlled areas.Jefferson's embargo was far more damaging to the shipping it was designed to protect than the plundering of British and French warships had ever been.