political Developments of the early Republic

By Faybian
  • Washington becomes President

    Washington becomes President
    George washington was not sure he wanted to be president. The american public greatly wanted him to be their first president. Washington wanted to make sure the office of president was respected at home and abroad.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Farmers were really mad about the taxes. so the farmers decided to burn down houses for farmers who was paying taxes. George washington had to do something about it. So he had men from every state form in a army to take care of the rebellion and there was no blood shed.
  • John Adams Becomes President

    John Adams Becomes President
    John Adams was elected as the nations second president in 1797by a slim margin and thomas jefferson as vice president. john Adams supported the federalist like hamilton and believed that liberty could best be preserved by a powerful government
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president
    Thomas jefferson was the nations 3rd president of the united states. Thomas jefferson was good person he wrote the declaration of independence to set free from the british. His views on government is that he believed everyone was a federalists and thats how it should be.
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    It was that thomas jefferson that refused to deliver his commisions. The decision of thomas jefferson was he allowed the remaining 25 to be delivered as intended. it Strengthen because
    to apply supior to cases that came before it
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    When pennsylvania purchased land from fance for about 15 million dollars. it actualy doubled the size of the united states and to avoid the british siding with the south.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The cause of the embargo act was British orders in council restricting neutral shipping and to Napoleon's restrictive Continental System .It was an act that stated that American ships were no longer allowed to sail to foreign ports, and it closed American ports to British ships.The Embargo Act of 1807 caused some new laws, including that American vessels can't land in any foreign port unless authorized by Jefferson himself.