Political Developments of the Early Republic

By shaisha
  • Washington Becomes President

    Washington Becomes President
    george ashington was not sure he wanted to be president the american police greatly wanted him to be their first persident washington wanted to make surethe office of president was respected at home and abroad
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    the people did not want to get taxed and the tax had exploded into rebellion in western pennsylvania the persident called the miltery and they are willing to fight and they had aproved
  • john adams becomes president

    john adams becomes president
    adams he hadbecome a leader of the revolution had represented the united ststes in peace negotiations with britain and had served as vice president for two terms under president washington adams was a scholar who thrived on an intellectual diet of booka and ideas he sided with the federalists
  • alien and sedition acts

    alien and sedition acts
    republican newspaper and politicians lounched a scrier of virulent attacks on the persident federalists as the beadst of vermat changed that adams was they tired to attact the president because he did not pick a side
  • thomas jefferson

    thomas jefferson was the thired persident he was he view that the federlists government should be small frugal and limited in it's power he had fath in the comin men

    declared that section 13 of judiciaty act of 1789 was unconstitutional because it gave the supreme court power not mentioned in the constitution. for the first time the power of the supreme court to strike down an act of congress that viulated the constiution a power we today call judical review
  • louisan purchase

    louisan purchase
    the louisan was a land it view that the federal government should be smaller the limits in the power some people feared for the future of the republic should larger a territory be added to the nation
  • Embargo act

    the cause of the embargo acts was that many amercians wanted to go to war but jefferson didn't want to because of the due to the budget outs this is the way the embango acts was created