political developments of the early republic

  • washington becomes president

    washington becomes president
    Washington took the oath of office as president the americans publics sreatly wanted him to be their first president washington wanted to make sure the offices pride and respect
  • whiskey rebellion

    whiskey rebellion
    they where reveltion because whiskey was being tax so they terrorized courts and destored stills washington stop them by sending out the militia this was importion because it showed that they where all on nation
  • john adams becomes president

    leader of the revolution represented th U.S in peace negotiation with Britain he served as vice president for two terms under president Washington he sided with federalists like hamilton he distrusted the common people and believed that liberty could best be prevented bya powerful government
  • alien and sedittion acts

    federalist where granbted power by the court to deside there own
  • alien and sedition acts

    alien and seditition were four billspassed in 1798 by th fedralist in the 5th united states congress in the afyer math of the french revolution reign of terror.
  • louisiana purchase

    in 1803 a proomblem arcooed in the reign of the mahava
  • embaro act

    the embaro act was when jefferson made it that the contry could not trade with other contrys it was caused by the french and britans they seized nutrualy amercian ships for ligeale tradeing
  • marbury v madison

    that congress had to be delived and that the fedealist where to make there own desicenies to the congress which they where granted by the court