Political Beginnings Timeline

By hjoo
  • Washington becomes the 1st President

    Washington becomes the 1st President
    George Washington becomes the 1st president of the U.S. with unanimous vote
  • Period: to

    Washington Presidency

  • Judiciary Act

    Judiciary Act of 1789 set up the Supreme Court and district courts
  • Report on Public Credit

    Funded Debt - encouraged people to invest to U.S. government Assumption - pay off the war debts as a nation, not states ->more unified nation
  • Report on a National Bank

    Created a national bank, the bank of U.S., which deposited taxes and loans to help economy Used elastic clause of the Constitution to create the national bank
  • Report on Manufacture

    America needed to achieve self-sufficiency, therefore encouraged industry Imposed protective tariffs to foster domestic manufacturers
  • Bill of Rights

    The first ten amendments of the Constitution that lists rights of Americans It was to fulfill promise to Anti-Federalist
  • Citizen Edmund Genet Affair

    Genet was a French Foreign Minister who encouraged people to side with France in the war between France and GB after Washington announced neutrality.
    Genet was expelled from the country.
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington declared that US is neutral in the conflict between France and GB.
  • Jefferson Resigns

    Jefferson was sympathetic to France due to its democratic ideals and his close relationship with France.
    After the Proclamation of Neutrality, Jefferson was disappointed to the government and resigned his job
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Farmers who were forced to pay the new excise tax rebelled against the government. Washington supressed the rebellion strongly by going to the Pennsylvenia with the army.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Great Britan was out of New Orleans Territory
    -relieved post-war tension between GB and US
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Following the Battle of Fallen Timbers led by General Anthony Wayne, the Treaty of Greenvile established the line between European settlers and Native American
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Treaty with Spain that achieved right of Deposit in New Orleans
  • John Adams becomes president

    Adams became the 2nd President of America
  • Period: to

    Adams Presidency

  • XYZ Affair

    After French ships attacked American shipping ships, French representatives demanded a bribe to stop, which caused national indignation
  • The Revolution of 1800

    Thomas Jefferson won the presidential election of 1800. It is called a revolution because there was a change of party
  • Period: to

    Jefferson Presidency

  • Louisiana Acquisition

    Jefferson purchased Louisiana from France, removing European force, avoiding future conflict, and doubling the size of the nation
  • Hamilton Killed in a duel

    Hamilton is killed when Aaron Burr challenges him to a duel after Hamilton exposed Burr's conspiracy with the remaining Federalist leaders.
  • Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act of 1807 was a general embargo enacted by the United States Congress against the United Kingdom and France during the Napoleonic Wars