Josh   i 1

Personal Timeline

  • Birth

    On Tuesday, March 13th 1999 I was born at St. Joseph's hospital.
  • First Surgery

    First Surgery
    When I was four years old, I had eye surgery to try and correct my lazy eye. I was in a hospital which would be consider a social institution, because it is a formal structure that provides for our human needs.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    In September of 2003 I started school for the first time, at Chippewa P.s. I have many fond memories from my experiences there and I feel like what I have learned from this social institution has greatly effected my choices in life.
  • Period: to

    Family dog Bear

    When I was four years old, we got our first ever dog a german shepherd lab mix, we named Bear. Over the years Bear taught me a lot about responsibility. He had such a huge role in my growth and who I am. His role in our family structure was that of a guard dog, and he was a huge protector of me and always kept a close eye on me.
  • Grandpa, passed away

    Grandpa, passed away
    After suffering a heart attack and spending time in hospital, my grandfather passed away shortly after returning home again. This was a major life event for me, and was my first experience losing a loved one.
  • Kristina, passed away

    Kristina, passed away
    On the thirteenth of October my third cousin, Kristina took her own life a week before her 16th birthday. This was a major life event, as it was my first personal experience with suicide and paved a road into my future choices and experiences.
  • Grade 8 Grad

    Grade 8 Grad
    On this day I graduated from eighth grade and left Elementary school to make a big switch in my life and enter into High school
  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
    This day marked a huge life event as I stepped out of elementary school and into secondary school. I started high school at Montcalm s.s and continued until grade 12 when I entered the SWAC program. I started highschool, enjoying the change from elementary but soon faced many challenges.
  • First tattoo

    First tattoo
  • First day of swac

    First day of swac
    On this day after struggling through high school, I was able to enter the swac program to help me finish school.