Period 4: 1800-1860

  • Marbury v. Madison (1803)

    The court case that established the judicial review. Judicial review is the right for the supreme court to overrule state courts and other branches of the government. Plus, the ability to rule a law or act to be unconstitutional
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    In an effort to gain the New Orleans port and remove European forces off mainland U.S Jefferson purchased the New Orleans territory. This purchase nearly doubled the size of the U.S. and also made it acceptable for the president to buy land.
  • War of 1812

    As a new nation America tried its best to remain neutral between the British and French. Due to the violation of the neutrality laws that America put in place by the British they were forced to war. This was the event that brith the "Star spangled banner" aka the national anthem.
  • Panic of 1819

    After the era of good feelings came the panic of 1819. This was a economic crisis, the American economy had crashed. this was due to failed banks, inflation and foreign trade competition.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The missouri compromise was an effort to keep the peace between slave states and free states. This was the start of sectional conflict in the united states which would later directly lead to the civil war
  • The Indian removal act

    The act under Andrew Jackson that forced Native Americans out of southern land and into the westward America. This was to create space for white Americans. The Native people were forced to walk the trail of tears, in which many died.