Period 3 Timeline

  • Period: 400 to Dec 11, 1531

    Inca Empire

    Built roads and used government merchant to trade across the empire. This empire was collapsed by the Spanish Conquistadors.
  • Period: 570 to Dec 13, 632


    Founder of Islam!! His relevations were recorded in the Quran. The last prophet.
  • Period: Dec 17, 661 to Dec 17, 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    Capitol in Damascus. Hereditary rulers. Disliked and eventually overthrow in 750 and replaced by the Abbasid Dynasty.
  • Period: Dec 13, 700 to Dec 13, 1100

    KIngdom Of Ghana

    Monastic kingdom with important role in gole, salt, and slave trade. Kings were very wealthy due to tax on merchants.
  • Period: Dec 13, 710 to

    Nara period

    The Nara period was the period of imperial rule in Japan. Modeled after Tang China. Buddism was prominent. Road system connected citties to rural communities.
  • Period: Dec 10, 750 to Dec 10, 1258

    Abbasid dynasty

    Over threw the Umayyad in 750. caliphate focused its efforts on the East and moved the capiyol to Baghdad. They were eventually demolished my the Mongol Horde.
  • Period: Dec 17, 1040 to Dec 17, 1157

    Saljuq control over Abbasid Dynasty

    The Saljuq were Oghuz Turks who moved into the Middle East and forced the Abbasid caliph to refer to their leader, Tugrul Bay, as the Sultan, or temporal leader. They took part in the crusades and were one of the main reason for the fall of Byzantium.
  • Dec 17, 1054

    Schism between eastern and western Christianity

    The schism between Eatern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism was led by Michael Cerularius in the East and Leo IX. Disagreements on theological matters, like Eater Greek philosophy and Western Roman law, eventually led to the excummunication of the two churches that was not lifted until 1965.
  • Dec 16, 1066

    Norman invasion of England

    The Norman Invasion of Englan was the invasion and occupation of England by the French and William the Conquerer.
  • Dec 10, 1076

    First Crusade

    The pope in Roman Catholic Western Europe made a decree calling all knights to travel to the Middle East and take back Jerusalem. They did just that killing an estimated 70,000 people. This win by the Christian forces led to more crusades which were all lost.
  • Period: Dec 16, 1190 to Dec 16, 1227

    Reign of Chinggis Khan

    Chinggis Khan started from humble beginnings to being the emperor of the largest land based empire ever. He encouraged trade, abolished torture, and allowed his subjects to have religious freedom.
  • Dec 10, 1202

    Fourth Crusade

    The original plan of this crusade was to recapture Jerusalem, but instead they attacked the capitol of Byzantinium, Constantinople. This was the "last straw" in the already splitting churchs of Christianity. The sacking of Constantinople also began the decline of the empire.
  • Period: Dec 17, 1210 to Dec 17, 1526

    Suntanate of Delhi

    The Delhi Sultanate was the Islamic kingdom in India. Never united the entire continent of India.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1250 to Dec 13, 1350

    Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe

    Large urban trade center in East Africa. Large labor force. Trade gold and livestock in Indian Ocean Trade systems.
  • Period: Dec 16, 1260 to Dec 16, 1294

    Reign of Kublai Khan

    Kublai Khan was the grandson of the original Mongol leader, Chinggis Khan. Kublai's rule was the time of Mongol rule in China. He consolidated the Mongol rule in China and led many military campaigns.
  • Period: Dec 17, 1271 to Dec 17, 1368

    Yuan Dynasty

    The Yuan dynasty was also know as the Mongol Dynasty. Practiced Chinese style administration and rebuilt the Grand Canal. Moved the capitol to Beijing.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1275 to Dec 13, 1292

    Marco Polo's Trip to China

    Traveled into Mongolia and China. Introduced Europe to the outside world through his book The Travels.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1279 to Dec 13, 1369

    Mongol conquest of all of China

    This Dynast was known as the Yuan. Mongol people were not allowed to mix with the native chinese which allowed China to pick up where they left off culturally.
  • Period: Feb 25, 1304 to Dec 11, 1369

    Ibn Battuta

    Ibn Battuta was an Islamic explorer who traveled most of the Afro-Eurasian continent. His travel began as a Hajj, but turned into a 75,000 mile journey, upon which he faced many creat dangers.
  • Period: Dec 16, 1312 to Dec 16, 1337

    Reign of Mansa Musa

    Ruled the African empire of Mali. Known for his extreme wealth and his Hajj upon which he "made it rain" just about everywhere he went.
  • Period: Dec 17, 1336 to Dec 17, 1405


    Tamerlane was a Mongol ruler who led his Mongol hordes to conquer Persia, Russia, Turkey, and India. Was on his way to conquer China when he died and all hope for the mission were given up.
  • Period: May 11, 1337 to Jul 11, 1453

    100 year war

    This war between England and France was a dispute over the English kings being vassels the the greater kings in France. The English were eventually expelled from France.
  • Period: Dec 10, 1347 to Dec 10, 1352

    Bubonic Plague Pandemic

    In this short time span, the "Black Death killed over 1/3 of Europe. However, the plague gave the peasant power and brought Europe out of the Dark Ages. The Bubonic Plague spread during Mongol rule over the Silk Road.
  • Period: Dec 13, 1368 to

    Ming Dynasty

    Banned maritime trade. Came between Mongol and Manchu rule in China. Began construction of the Great Wall of China
  • Period: Dec 17, 1405 to Dec 17, 1433

    Zheung He's expeditions

    Traveled all over the Indian Ocean. Used huge ships as long as 400 feet with 9 masts. His notes made China focus more on internal commerce.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    After 1,100 years,the fall of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks marked the end of the Byzantinium empire. This city was both the center of trade and the centern of Christianity so the fall affected both economicly and religiously.
  • Period: to Dec 10, 1185

    Heian Period

    This period is know for being the florishing of culture and court nobility. Land owners hired Samari's to protect the assets around the estate. This period also marked the decline in Chinese influence on Japan.
  • Period: to Dec 13, 1550

    Mali Empire

    Took over Ghana and extended its territory. Leaders monopolized trade items and became very wealthy. Participated in Saharan trade like the Ghana
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charlemagne

    Charlemagne united most of Western Eurpoe under one empire. He was a great militaristic strategist and was a devoted Christian. The conquered most of Western Europe by his death in 814 and is known by some as the father of Europe.
  • Period: to

    Silla Dynasty

    The Silla dynasty was the first unification of Korea. It began as a tribute to Tang China, but eventually kicked Tang forces out. The Silla borrowed many Chinese customs, especially their government.
  • Period: to Dec 17, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    During the Song, trade, commerce, and population exploded. Paper money made trade easier. Confucian texts were being printed bringing learning to people everywhere. Golden Age of China.
  • Period: to

    Sui Dynasty

    United China after the warring states period. Huge in infrastructure like canals and roads. Short lived dynasty.
  • Period: to

    Tang dynasty

    The Tang dynasty followed the Sui and cleaned up the many peasant rebellions against Emperor Yang. It was known as the Golden age of the arts and literature. Thought of as the best organized state in the world.
  • Period: to Dec 13, 1300

    Kingdom of Angkor

    Home of Angkor Wat, a Hindu eventually Buddist temple. Exported trees and forest products in exchange for Chinese crafts. Housed many Chinese merchants.