History of Christianity

By jchil
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    The beginning of Pentecost

    The beginning of Pentecost
    The Pentecost is the birthday of our church. It began following the death of Jesus, when what appeared to be small tongues of fire rested on the heads of the Disciplines. These flames were filled with the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of Christianity.
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    Paul the Apostle

    Paul the Apostle
    Saul was a persecutor of Christians in Jerusalem one night he was on the road to Damascus he received a vision of Jesus. From that time on Saul was known as Paul. He traveled widely throughout Europe spreading the good news of Jesus, he would write hundreds of letters which now make up part of our bible. Paul then was known as Paul the Apostle and was later captered and beheaded by the romans.
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    Persecutions began in 54 AD throughout the Roman Empire. The Romans would show respect to the empire by standing in front of the statue and putting a pinch of on the altar saying Caesar is Lord. Jews however did not need to do this, At first the Romans thought Christians were the same as Jews but as time went on more and more people became christian. The Romans did not like this so they would persecute anyone who was christian.
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    Nero was the Emperor of Rome being the leader of the persecutions of Christians. For the people who confessed to being Christian would be arrested then put to death. He would torturer the them, burning them alive, ripped apart by dogs, covered in skins of wild animals or crucified.
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    In 312 Constantine lead his army in a battle. The soldiers of his enemy Maxentius faced him at the Milvian Bridge outside Rome. The winner would become the Roman Emperor. Constantine was a pagan who worshiped the sun. In a dream one night Jesus told him to use the christian symbol chi-ro as a safeguard, so he did and won all the battles. Although most people are still pagans the most favored religion was Christianity.
  • Dec 24, 1096

    Crusades ( 1096-1396)

    Crusades ( 1096-1396)
    Crusades were wars against the Muslim people to win back Jerusalem ( the holy land ). There were nine crusades in which only one was successful, the first one. After the Christians had gotten the holy land back the Muslims once again took over again, this then lead to the next eight crusades which all failed. The saddest crusade of them all was the children crusade, they thought because they were children God would protect them, most of them got murdered before they were even close to Jerusalem
  • Dec 24, 1346

    The Black death

    The Black death
    The Black death was a disease brought to medieval Europe from China by men fighting the Chinese. The people did not know this though so they thought it was a punishment from God. People would turn to the church for help but as time went on they realized that the church was doing doing nothing so they turned on the christian church. People started to partying and drinking. They also started to blame the Jews for poisoning their water and air, burning them alive until they confessed.
  • Dec 24, 1440

    Invention of Printing press

    Invention of Printing press
    The printing press was created in the 1440s by Johannes Gutenburg. He used tin, antimony and aluminium to make a durable alloy which he shaped into different letters, he then used inspiration from olive press to develop a system for movable type. Over 50 years 8 million books were produced. Making the books was very efficient as it used minimal effort.