Peace that is Green case study

  • Greenepeace concert to raise funds

    a cocnert that made about $17000 and helped to fund Greenpeace's first mission where they went to protest nuclear testing.
  • nuclear bomb was tested

    Greenepace was trying to protest the testing of nuclear weapons and they were to late to stop it but the media spread their protest and they gained popularity.
  • France ended open nuclear testing

    Greenpeace's pressure on France caused them to stop testing nuclear weapons openly and to take their testing underground
  • Greenpeace protests seal hunting

    Seal hunters were hunting when Greenpeace protested the killing of seal pups.
  • Greenpeace confronts whalers

    Greenpeace changed their direction from promoting disarment and changed into helping protect They did this by confronting Soviet whalers.
  • Greenpeace returns to stop seal hunters

    Greenpeace returns to attempt to stop seal hunters and they are attacked by the seal hunters.
  • Greenpeace has it's first ship

    Greenpeace confronts icelandic whalers for 3 months with it's first ship.
  • Greepeace International was created

    Greenpeace International consisted of allt he offices under Greenpeace throughout the world and the rebellion of other offices throughout the world was squashed.
  • French agents bombed Greenpeace nuclear testing protesters

    they sent a ship ro new zealand to protest France's underground nuclear testing and they were bombed. later it was discovered the French were the bombers.
  • A member of Greenpeace climbed a tower in Canada

    They wanted to protest some of France's laws.