Papunya History

  • History starts to change

    History starts to change
    About one hundred and fifty years ago, history started changing when their ancestors started to see Tjulkura/white people in the aboriginal language.
  • Land taken for cattle

    Land taken for cattle
    When the white people came to Australia they didn't know that between them, different groups of aboriginals people owned all the continent.
  • A town called Stuart

    A town called Stuart
    By the 1880s groups of white men were camped on the banks of the todd river a few kilometers from the Alice Springs telegraph station. The government decided to establish a town to replace the camps.
  • Stone church and a school was built

    Stone church and a school was built
    in 1894, pastor Strehlow came to Hermannsburg. over the next twenty-five years, the mission got a new school, sleeping dormitories a big eating area and a church.