The bear grylls of goldfish 739 1 1   selected

Out of My Mind

By Btee73
  • Setting

    The setting is mostly at school but there is anoher place too, her home.
  • Characters

    The main character is Melody, the other important charcters are:
    Her mom
    Her dad
    Mrs. Valencia
  • Background

    Melody is a special need child who is mad she is made this way. She feels as if she can't do a thing, but the people closest to her knows she is one of the most brightest people they know, and their're right. When Melody sees something, she never forgets it. Sadly, Melody has a super low self- esteem and doubts herself all the time. She doesn't know what she, herself can do.
  • Rising Action1

    Rising Action1
    Melody is finally out of her unmature classroom and is taken to a regular class (she totally deserves it). She meets some kids her age, realizing that she wants school like be regular classes, that she doesn't want to e excluded.
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    Melody gets Her go to different classes, "inclusion classes". Her teacher Mr. Dimming though seems to doubt her for what she looks like she can't do, but he hasen't looked at her mind.
  • Risisng Action 3

    Risisng Action 3
    Melody takes a test in her dreaded teacher's class (Mr. DImmings) and ets a B+ on it. Her bullies and her friend Rose mistake her and think that she is not that smart at all. The worst thing is that Melody just soaks it all in. Her bullies always think she's cheating, but its just her pure knowledge.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    Melody gets to get her first real communication device. This is a whole new thing for her. She can now reply back to those whose try to hurt her feelings (Claire, Molly).
  • Climax

    Mrs.V listens to Melody about what happened in Mr.Dimmings class. Then gives her the choice or not to be in his club. The choice she made was to work her hardest to get in that club.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    Melody takes another test from Mr. Dimmings, but when she aces it, she's STILL thought so lowly of. Mr. Dimmings actually says
    "If Melody Brooks can win the first round, then my questions must not be difficult enough!". She knows she is smart, its just that everyone else doesn't.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Melody makes everyone shocked, she got the highest grade! Soon as possible Mr. Dimmings said an apology. Melody got show how smart she really is.
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    The long and hard compition was won by Melody's team, happily. At this compition the spotlight was always on her. Everyone seemed to be surprized that it doesn't matter what or what you can do, you can have so much knowedge that your brain is as big as the Empire building.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    The whole tam leaves Melody behind and goes on "Good Morning America" without her. Once again they bring her self-esteem lower by their actions. Melody just doesn't know what to do. She's won them to the team's victory and this is how they repay her?
  • Resolution1

    The team tries to apologize to Melody by giving her a small trophy. The funny thing is that Melody forgives them quickly a rejects the trophy! That shows that she just cares that they said they were sorry, not materials.
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Melody now thinks better of herslef and is happy with who she is. She realizes that who she was is not who she is now. She now has courage and is happy with bieng herself.