Otto bismarck

Otto von Bismark's Life

  • Otto von Bismarck was born

    Otto von Bismarck was born
    Otto Eduard Leapold von Bismarck - Schoonhausen (Schoo-oon-hausen) was born in a small Prussian Province in 1815.
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    Otto von Bismarck was born in 1815 and died in 1898

    Zed Paziuk. Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815. He was born in Schoonhausen (Shoo-oon-hausen) in Brandenburg Prussia. He died on July 30, 1898 and on his tomb reads "A true German Servant of the Emperor Wilhelm.
  • Otto von Bismarck got married

    Otto von Bismarck got married
    Otto von Bismarck got married to Johanna von Puttkamer in 1847.
  • Otto Unified Germany

    Otto Unified Germany
    Otto Unified brought together Germany, instead of having individual groups) during the widespread Revolutions of 1848-1849
  • Otto von Bismark became a Chancellor of the North German Confederation

    Otto von Bismark became a Chancellor of the North German Confederation
    Otto von Bismark became a Chancellor of the North German Confederation. He held up an important role in the German Government and greatly influenced German and international politics before and after his time of service.
  • Otto bacame a chancellor in the German Empire

    Otto bacame a chancellor in the  German Empire
    When the German Empire was formed in 1871, he served as its first chancellor until 1890.
  • Otto von Bismark practiced Realpolitik

    Otto von Bismark practiced Realpolitik
  • Otto von Bismarck died

    Otto von Bismarck died
    Otto von Bismarck died in 1898, and on his tomb was quoted "A true German Servant of the Emperor Wilhelm1."
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    Otto von Bismarck's impact on the world today

    Otto von Bismarck was a true German servant an dhelped Germany with politics back then. Now because of him we have a more established political system.
  • WW1 and the fully Unified Germany

    WW1 and the fully Unified Germany
    Because of the wars that Bismarck had when Prussia (Germany) wasn't united yet, they the countries hated them more because they were even more powerful. In WW1 separated provinces, even though some didn't get along the greatest, they realized that they needed each other to become "unbeatable," it was this that sealed the partnership to become Prussia together.
  • WW2 Hitler because of Bismarck (charisma)

    WW2 Hitler because of Bismarck (charisma)
    Hritler was followed because the younger generation only heard about the good things that Bismarck had done. The people thought that Hitler would be like the second Bismarck. Bismarck was a charismatic (an energy/vibe that someone has that makes others want to follow) leader.