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Origins of the American Tradition, New England Renaissance, Slavery and the Civil War (1600-1865)

  • Period: to

    Origins of the American Tradition

  • Jamestown Colony founded

    Jamestown Colony founded
    In 1607 John Smith establishes the Jamestown colony in modern-day Virginia.
  • Slavery first begins

    Slavery first begins
    Slavery in the American colonies first starts with the twenty Africans that were brought over as indentured servants.
  • The Revolutionary War in America starts

    The Revolutionary War in America starts
    After years of tyranny by the British, the Revolutionary War in America starts.
  • American Independence is Declared from Britain

    American Independence is Declared from Britain
    The Declaration of Independence is passed during the Second Continental Congress.
  • George Washington becomes the first President of the United States

    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States
    After the constitution is adopted, Washington becomes the first President of the United States.
  • Period: to

    New England Renaissance

  • The War of 1812 starts

    The War of 1812 starts
    War breaks out between Britain and the United States because of Britain´s refusal to stop raiding U.S. ships.
  • Turner's Slave Rebellion

    Turner's Slave Rebellion
    Nat Turner leads a slave revolt in Southampton, Virginia; this leaves approximately 60 people dead.
  • Slavery is outlawed in Great Britain

    Slavery is outlawed in Great Britain
    Due to decreased need for it, and the religious backlash, slavery is abolished in Great Britain.
  • Period: to

    Slavery and the Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln becomes President
    Abraham Lincoln is elected president of the United States in the election of 1860.
  • The American Civil War starts

    The American Civil War starts
    After the Confederate troops attack Fort Sumter, the Civil War in America officially begins.
  • Slaver is abolished in America

    Slaver is abolished in America
    After Congress passes the 13th amendment, slavery is officially prohibited in America.