Orientation Timeline

  • Homo Erectus - 2,000,000 years ago

    Homo Erectus - 2,000,000 years ago
    When the first apes developed the brain function to stand up right and erect. Bringing us closer to the creation of mankind.
  • Mesopotamia - 8000-2000 BC

    Mesopotamia - 8000-2000 BC
    This was the birth of Mesopotamia, the first stable economic land that laid between two rivers. It was the beginning of civilization leading to todays world.
  • Hieroglyphics - 3200 BC

    Hieroglyphics - 3200 BC
    When the first real form of writing was used by Ancient Scribes in the first cities of Egypt. Scribes were the first people at the top of the hierarhy table who wrote using hieroglyphics, this was because they had time to learn and paper was expensive.
  • Crete (Labrynth) - 2700-1420 BC

    Crete (Labrynth) - 2700-1420 BC
    This is about a Minotaur that lived in a giant maze called a Labrynth. It all started when the eldest son if King Minos decided to participate in the Athenian games. He was murdered by those he had defeated so Minos decided, as punishment, to have 7 young men and women sent to Crete to be imprisoned in the Labrynth and the Minotaur would hunt them down and kill them.
  • Mayan Beauty - 2000 BC - 250 AD

    Mayan Beauty - 2000 BC - 250 AD
    Mayan's had a strange idea of what's attractive, they made their children wear a wooden press on their heads to flatten the forehead and dangled a bead in front of their eyes to force them to be cross eyed. These were 2 sincere forms of beauty according to them.
  • King Hammurabi - 1772 BC

    King Hammurabi - 1772 BC
    This was when the King of Babylon wrote a legal code which was considered unfair by some but not all. It involved a lot of death penalties and different punishments such as destroying a nobles eye.
  • Mycenaeans - 1600-1100 BC

    Mycenaeans - 1600-1100 BC
    This was when the Mycenaean civilization launched the great war against the Trojans.
  • Hatshepsut - 1479-1457 BC

    Hatshepsut - 1479-1457 BC
    Hatshesput was considered to be one of the first great women in history. When her husband (Thitmoses II) had died the thrown was to be passed down to her son, but she dressed as a male and seized the thrown to rule.
  • Tutankhamen - 1334-1325 BC

    Tutankhamen - 1334-1325 BC
    Tutankhamen was a Pharoah at the age of 9, and ruled until he died at 18. His tomb was one of the very few found completely undamaged, this was because it laid in an underground chamber with many other priceless artifacts. It was discovered around 1923.
  • Olympics - 776 BC

    Olympics - 776 BC
    These great games were left to us by the Greeks. The games started originally from the Athenian games and carried on to be held in different countries all over the world as it is today.
  • Remus - 753 BC

    Remus - 753 BC
    Remus was the brother of Romulus who Rome was named after. Their mother was supposed to be imprisoned so she could not give birth to an heir to the thrown but she had twins and they were ordered to be killed. So she sent them away in a basket across the river where they were rescued by a she-wolf. When they were grown they went back to claim their thrown once again and succeeded, but they quarrelled and Romulus killed his brother Remus. This was when Romulus claimed the city and named it Rome.
  • Athens - 621 BC

    Athens - 621 BC
    Athens was the birth place of democracy and this was around the time when democracy was descovered and used.
  • Alexander the Great - 356-323 BC

    Alexander the Great - 356-323 BC
    His father (Philip II) was murdered at his daughters wedding ceremoney by one of his own body gaurds. Alexander was then proclamed king. He wanted to complete his fathers plans including conquoring the entire Persian empire.
  • Julius Caesar - 103-44 BC

    Julius Caesar - 103-44 BC
    Caesar is a good example of what too big of an ego can do. As he gained more power as a general in the army, he believed he would be a hero no matter what. He entered Rome as a hero and had a high power. But he was stabbed to death in the Senate by the conspirators.
  • Germanic Chief - 476 AD

    Germanic Chief - 476 AD
    Odoacer, a German Chief captured Rome when it was split into two parts. He did this by forcing the western emporer to step down.
  • Justinian - 528

    Justinian - 528
    Justinian wrote the first legal code which we actually modified and follow today. Protecting the innocent until proven guilty. It was the first form of rational legal code.
  • The Crusades - 1096,1147,1187

    The Crusades - 1096,1147,1187
    This was about Urban II launching raids called Crusades against the Seljuk Turks to take their land back, the Muslims originally stole it from them.
  • The Cathedrals - 1150-1500

    The Cathedrals - 1150-1500
    This was the building of gothic churches by the Romans to replace the old "Romanesque style". This was also where stained glass windows were first made. Many churches in the world now are based on this style.