

  • Camryn Hughes was born.

    Camryn Hughes was born.
    Little did we know that this beautiful baby was going to be a great leader.
  • Camryn's mom gets married to a king.

    Camryn's mom gets married to a king.
    Camryn's mom is now a queen and Camryn is now a princess.
  • Camryn's 18 birthday comes

    Camryn's 18 birthday comes
    Camryn is now being throned queen.
  • Camryns first act as queen

    Camryns first act as queen
    Camryn decides that she wants more land so she can build a huge waterpark, she now starts to invade Greenland.
  • The Hurricane

    The Hurricane
    After about 5 years Camryn was very satisfied with her land. Then out of nowhere a huge hurricane hit
  • Cleaning it up and finding more land

    Cleaning it up and finding more land
    Camryn was very upset and had her best people cleaning it up. The hurricane took away so much water they discovered more land!
  • What did she do with it?

    What did she do with it?
    Camryn decides that her land now is destroyed and wants new land. Camryn takes a plane and takes a boy and a girl with her to the new land they found.
  • The reproduction

    The reproduction
    The girl was already pregnant with triplets. Now she would get pregnant agin and reproduce. Then her children will reproduce and Camryn will have a new land called Nyrmac.
  • The new country

    The new country
    Camryns country is now complete with a total of 20 people who are all related. They cannot reproduce anymore because Queen Camryn does not want a bunch of people to deal with so she leaves it with 20.
  • The houses

    The houses
    Camryn finds out that all of her people need their own house. They all get their own house that looks like ⬇️That.
  • The full society of Nyrmacians

    The full society of Nyrmacians
    There are now over 5,000 people on this island and Camryn feels very accomplished and is happy with her work.
  • The food

    The food
    Camryn realizes that her people need food and so does she. She sends out her strongest man to get some food. He comes back with a dead squirrel and a whole lot of fruit and a bunch of vegetables and he claims he found a wheat field.
  • The clothing

    The clothing
    Camryn sends out all the Nyrmacians to find material to make clothes. They come back with that.⬇️
  • Even more people

    Even more people
    Camryn sees even MORE people jumping out of planes to join this society. Camryn isn't sure why but she is now glad that everybody isn't related anymore.
  • More people

    More people
    One day a plane flew over Nyrmac and many people had parachuted out of the plane onto the island. There are now more people and it is on the news. Camryn will now have a real society.