Nya and Salva

  • Salva 1985

    Salva's school was shot at because of the rebels who want freedom of their religion
  • Salva 1985

    Salva's school was shot at because of the rebels who want freedom of their religion
  • Nya 2008

    She had no shoes and walked to get water and a thorn got on her heel
  • Salva 1985

    Salva found his village but he didn't find his parents and slept in a barn with other but next morning they abandoned him
  • Salva 1985

    He found a dinka women and ate nuts with her and slept in her barn for four days. She left him because it was dangerous and she told him to walk
  • Nya 2008

    Nya finally made it back home with the water and just had enough ti me to eat and needs to go back to the pond
  • Salva 1985

    Salva met people but they really did not want him because he is to young to do work, extra mouth to feed and knew they will abondon him
  • Nya 2008

    Nya has to go get water with her little sister and found muddy water.
  • Salva 1985

    Salva found a new friend named Mariel and are heading to Ethiopia
  • Nya 2008

    Nya realized her mom hated the camp and that people from their tribe have not gotten killed by Dinka but she wonders if it will happen.
  • Salva 1985

    Salva found his uncle who left for the army in 2 years and he killed a deer and they had good food.
  • Nya 2008

    Akeer has diarrhea and she could die for drinking dirty water
  • Salva 1985

    Marial was killed by a lion and Salva is heading to Ethiopia with his uncle
  • Nya 2008

    Akeer is still alive and they need to boil the water
  • Salva 1985

    His uncle shared his food with him and the sweet sugar can reminded him of mangoes
  • Nya 2008

    The leaders talking about water
  • Salva 1985

    Salva hit his toe on a rock and his toenail came off
  • Nya 2008

    Nya coudnt believe water was in such place
  • Salva 1985

    Uncle was buried in a two feet hole
  • Nya 2008

    Nya doesn't seem to hear water
  • Salva 1985

    Salva thought he found his mom but it wasn't her.
  • Salva 1985

    Salva was lucky to not get eaten by a crocodile or shot by the Nuer
  • Nya 2008 chapter 14

    The hole has produced water that was drilled by workers
  • Salva 1985 chapter 14

    Salva is going to Rochester, New York after his name being on the list
  • Nya 2008 chapter 1

    she is 11 years old
  • Nya 2008

    Nya has got a thorn out of her heel and wont be home until noon if everything goes right
  • Nya 2008

    Leaders still trying to find water
  • Salva 1985

    5 dead people left to be eating by vultures
  • Nya 2009

    nothing much has happened.
  • Salva 1986

    Salva has a new family and he cant believe people can live in such cold temperatures.
  • Nya 2009

    Papa is making something
  • Salva 1986

    His dad is in the hospital and he made many plans that took months to get to Sudan