North American and Latin American Global Trade Patterns from 1750-2015 2002

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    Triangular Trade

    1750= trade at its high point between L. America, North America, and Western Europe
    slaves from Africa to americas, and raw materials and some goods from americas to europe
    prevented heavy industrialization from taking place
    goods like cash crops (sugar, tabacco) and minerals
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    Shift in Trade from Indian Ocean to Atlantic

    bc Americas were in the loop and trading aand colonized. had a dependent role though, supplying good under the West's watchful eye
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    Independence of North America

    no long depended on Western powers
    became a global power once entered WWI bc they were supplying both sides with goods= lots of trade and money
    on the winning side of every war
    beat of Soviet Union in cold war so they were the supreme global power
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    indepenence for Latin America

    bc of nationalist ideals, and examples like the French revoution and haitian slave revolt
    independent but still economically dependent because no capital
    eventually US internieved a lot becase of their fear of communism influencing them
    some still dependent (cuba) bc of their reliance on the soviet union so they fell hard when it collapsed
    slowly improving today
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    Trade includes Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

    because countries such as Japan and China were no longer isolationists due to Western powers interviening so they began to trade everywhere (China=forced/ Japan= chose to so the West wouldn't over take them)