
nineteenth amendment (:

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    Nineteenth Amendment.

  • Married Women's Property Act.

    Married Women's Property Act.
    Mississippi was the first state to allow a married woman to own land in her name, with her husband's permission. This allowed men to give property to their daughters so that the land would not be divided.
  • Seneca Falls Convention.

    Seneca Falls Convention.
    Held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Organized by local New York women wanting women's rights. The women gathered for the two day meeting filled with lectures, discussions, and presentations about their roles in society.
  • NWRC.

    National Women's Rights Convention. Held in Worchester, Massachusetts the first year. Held annually since than to discuss leadership and rights. Deals with men and women. Two day meeting consisting of speeches about education, work, wages, and rights.
  • Final Ratification.

    Final Ratification.
    The fifteenth amendment gets its final ratification. This ratification says, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” The text did not exclude women specifically.
  • Belva Lockwood.

    Belva Lockwood.
    Belva Lockwood was the first woman who ran for president of the United Sattes. She ran for the National Equal Rights Party. Lockwood was also the first woman who was allowed to try a case infront of the Supreme Court.
  • First sate to let women vote.

    First sate to let women vote.
    Wyoming becomes the first state to let women vote in any election. This is a big deal considering the nineteenth amendment hasn't even been passed.
  • Planned Parenthood.

    Planned Parenthood.
    Margaret Sanger opens a birth control clinic with the beliefs that women have the rights to their own bodies. She was arrested seven days later for breaking a law that said the distribution of contraceptives was prohibited. This ordeal led to the ruling in doctors being allowed to perscribe birth control.
  • Nineteenth Amendment.

    Nineteenth Amendment.
    "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." This amendment gave women the right to vote.
  • Miminum Wage.

    Miminum Wage.
    This is the year that the Fair Labor Standards Act set the minimum wage no matter what the sex of the employee was. Women could not be payed less for the work they put in just because they were women. Everyone had to be paid the same,
  • Fay vs New York.

    Fay vs New York.
    Court states that women are equally qualified with men to serve on juries but are granted an exemption and may serve or not as women choose.
  • Weeks vs. Southern Bell.

    Weeks vs. Southern Bell.
    Lorena Weeks takes the Southern Bell Telephone Company to court. She wants the rights to jobs that mainly only men have. This court cases helped with the conditions of womens work.
  • CEDAW.

    Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Described as a "national Bill of Rights for women." Shows that states must take measures to end discrimination.